Date and
place of birth : 9 May 1950 in Riga, Latvia
Address: Institute
of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy / Physics Department
University of Latvia
Raina Blvd. 19
Riga, LV-1586
+371 6722 8249
Web :
Education Degree Discipline Year
Univ. of Latvia M. Sc. Physics 1973
Univ. of Latvia Ph.
D. Optics 1979
Univ. of Latvia Dr. Habil. Phys. Technical Physics 1993
Univ. of Latvia Professor Applied Optics and Optoelectronics 1995
Univ. of Latvia State
Professor Laser Physics and
Spectroscopy 1998
Ph. D. thesis (1979): Study
of the sensitised fluorescence of metal vapour
at pulsed excitation.
Dr. Habil. Phys. Thesis
(1993): Optoelectronic methods and
devices for
experimental research,
technological control
and information transfer.
J. Spigulis graduated from the University of Latvia
in 1973. As a graduate student, he joined Laboratory of Spectroscopy of UL to
study kinetics of the optical excitation energy transfer in metal vapour
mixtures. The results of this work have been represented at his Ph. D. thesis (Riga, 1979). Later in
1980 - 1985 he dealt with ion mass analysis in laser excited atomic beams as
well as with infrared emitter-receiver systems and pulsed optical radiation
detection and calibration techniques. SInce 1986 his
research activities are focused to fiberoptics,
optoelectronics and biomedical optics; he established and leads the
Fibre-optics and Bio-optics Laboratory at Institute
of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia. His recent work has been related
to design and investigation of optical fibre sensors, communication devices,
medical lightguide systems and new types of the
side-glowing optical fibres, as well as to development of novel optical methods
for nonivasive clinical diagnostics.
1973 J. Spigulis has been a staff researcher at University of Latvia in positions of Junior Research
Associate (1973-1980), Senior Research Associate (1980-1986), Leading Scientist
(1986-1994) and Professor. Since 2004 he is director of Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy.
Dr. Spigulis has developed lecture courses "Lightguide Physics", "Optoelectronics",
“Laser Physics” and “Earth Physics” for BSc. students, as well as
"Fundamentals of Biomedical Optics" and "Medical Lightguides" for MSc. students. In 1995 he launched
the MSc programme on Biomedical Optics at University of Latvia
and actively co-ordinated this programme over the following years.
J. Spigulis has authored over 100 published papers
and a book on fiberoptics for students; he holds 11 patents. The research
results have been presented at numerous international
conferences and seminars in Latvia,
Russia, USA, Canada,
Mexico, UK, Sweden,
Finland, France and
other countries. In 1995 J. Spigulis was involved in
a 6-month medical fiberoptics research project at
King's College London, UK. Other international activities include participation
in the EU TEMPUS project on Medical Engineering and Physics education in the
Baltic states, the TEMPERE project on a similar topic with University of Patras, Greece, two LEONARDO DA VINCI projects – on
vocational training with Vilnius University and on clinical research course
with Austrian colleagues, and two VISBY projects with Swedish universities
(Lund and Linkoping), as well as Latvian-American
research collaboration project on functional diagnostics with Columbia
University, and others. He has been invited as keynote lecturer, committee
member or session chairman at several international conferences, and was
actively involved in organisation of conferences ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS AND
DEVICES in Riga, 1996, Vilnius, 2000, Riga, 2002, Tartu,
2004, Vilnius, 2006. J. Spigulis chaired the AOMD-6
conference in Riga, August 2008, and co-chaired
the 14th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
(Riga, June
2008). He has seved as invited expert-evaluator of
the EU 5TH and 6TH Framework Programme projects.
J. Spigulis was the founder
and co-chairman of the Baltic Chapter of SPIE – the International Society for
Optical Engineering, a member of SPIE, Optical Society of America (OSA),
Latvian Union of Scientists, Latvian Physical Society and Latvian Society of
Medical Engineering and Physics. He is presiding Latvian regional committee of
ICO – International Commission for Optics, and the Latvian local section of
OSA. In 2007 J. Spigulis became a corresponding
member of Latvian
Academy of Sciences.