
curriculum vitae




Personal information




Arnolds Ubelis



4-15, KRASOTAJU, LV-1009, Riga, Latvia

Telephone, Fax


T/F 371-67229727,  371-9498659, 





Date of birth




Work experience


Dates (from – to)


 January  1971 -  onwards

Name and address of employer


University of Latvia, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, 19,Raina bulv. LV-1586, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


Research, teaching, tutorship, project management

Occupation or position held


Researcher, senior researcher, head of the Department since 1994

Main activities and responsibilities


  • Researcher and supervisor of research grants  on atomic physics&photochemistry,
  • atmospheric photochemistry&air pollution issues  and
  • education and technologies  for sustainable development,
  • teacher and lecturer, knowledge and technology transfer expert
  • project manager


Dates (from – to)


 February 1999  -  onwards

Name and address of employer


SPIE  Baltic Chapter,  4, Skunu, LV-1050, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


National Contact  Point  System of Latvia for EU Research and Technology Development Programs

Occupation or position held


National coordinator for 5th Framework Program and 6th Framework Program (part-time duty)

Main activities and responsibilities


Overall responsibility on the National Contact point system in FP5, FP6, FP7.

National NCP for  Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development for  FP5. till 2003

National NCP for “Knowledge Society” “New and emerging technologies” and “Research Infrastructure”   for FP6 till 2006.

National NCP for “IDEAS”,  Regions of Knowledge”   for FP7.     


Dates (from – to)


September 2000 – December 2000

Name and address of employer


European Commission,  DG Research, European Commission, SDME 2/85 B-1049 Brussels -BELGIUM

Type of business or sector


Department: Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development

Occupation or position held


National expert

Main activities and responsibilities


To promote integration of  EU candidate countries and Latvia  in European Research Area.  Advisor on national issues of RTD policy in Latvia 


Dates (from – to)


March 1998– June 2001

Name and address of employer


INTERREG IIC   project Sustainable Urban Patterns Around the Baltic

Sea (SUPERBS), Baltic University Program, Uppsala University, Box 256, SE-751 05, Uppsala, Sweden.

Type of business or sector


Promotion of University Municipality partnership

Occupation or position held


 coordinator of the model project

Main activities and responsibilities


Implementation of  the model project Livani municipality – University of Latvia: socio-economic development and participatory democracy.


Dates (from – to)


May 1997 - December  1997.

Name and address of employer


World Bank grant Nr. WBTF O28205-LV Development of

New    Emission Standards for Sources of Air Pollution; Ministry of Environment and Regional Development, 25, Peldu, LV-1494, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


Adoption of national legislation  to EU environment law

Occupation or position held



Main activities and responsibilities


Advisor on EU air quality directives and legislation, review of existing and coming EU directives


Dates (from – to)


July 1995 – September 1995 and  January1996 - October 1996: 

Name and address of employer


Harvard  Institute for International Development,  Massachusetts (HIID), USA project "Central and Eastern Europe  Environment Economics and Policy"; Riga project Office, 25, Peldu, LV-1494, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


Policy assessment

Occupation or position held



Main activities and responsibilities


Studies :  "Air Pollution in Riga:  Problems,  Goals, and Policy" and "An Assessment  of Selected Policies for Controlling Stationary and Point Source Pollution in Latvia


Dates (from – to)


October 1994, February 1995,  November 1995, March 1996 

Name and address of employer


Ministry of Education and Science, 2, Valnu street, LV-1050, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


Higher education

Occupation or position held


Part time employed invited expert

Main activities and responsibilities


Review and advice on the financing, reforms and issues of higher education development in various European countries


Dates (from – to)


January 1990 – May 1994

Name and address of employer


Riga City Council, 3, Krisjana Valdemara street, LV-1539, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


Elected politician 

Occupation or position held


Elected Chairmen of the Council of  Latgale Suburb (240 000 inhabitants) of Riga City,

Elected deputy of Riga City Council

Main activities and responsibilities


Participation in establishment of democratic municipal governance in Riga city in post Soviet period.  Political leadership of Latgale Suburb of Riga City and political responsibility on socio-economic development of Riga city


Education and training


• Dates (from – to)


February 2002,  April 1998

• Name and type of organization providing education and training


Baltic University Programe, Uppsala University, Box 256, SE-751 05, Uppsala, Sweden.

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Technologies for sustainable development,

Sustainable Community Development and Physical planning

• Title of qualification awarded


Study visit and research training


• Dates (from – to)


January 1999

• Name and type of organization providing education and training


University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Latvia-UK bilateral Academia Exchange Program

and  joint cooperation in EUREKA  project  EUROTRAC-2

• Title of qualification awarded


Research training and study visit  - history of air pollution


• Dates (from – to)


August – September 1998, March –April 1994

• Name and type of organization providing education and training


University of Bremen(P.O. Box 33 04 40, 28334, Bremen Germany) &  Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Doppersberg  19, Wuppertal 42103  Germany

TEMPUS project  IMG-97-LV-1010

University of Roskilde , (Universitetsvej 1, Postboks 260, Roskilde 4000, DK

TEMPUS project JEP 4797-92/95

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Curricula development: Sustainable development and global change;

                                       Photochemistry of polluted atmosphere

• Title of qualification awarded


TEMPUS mobility and training


• Dates (from – to)


January-February 1996

• Name and type of organization providing education and training


L’Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble Domaine Universitaire, 54 rue Moliere –BP, 96,

38402 Grenoble/ France

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


European Research Course on Atmospheres

• Title of qualification awarded


Research training


• Dates (from – to)



• Name and type of organization providing education and training


Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Saint-Petersburg  State  University, Saint-Petersburg,  dom 7-9, Universitetskaja nab.

Saint-Petersburg,  Russia . 

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


PhD Thesis, title: “Application of the Method of  Flash Photolysis  in Research of Spectral Properties of Gaseous Tellurium 

• Title of qualification awarded


PhD - Physics, optics


• Dates (from – to)


1961 - 1971

• Name and type of organization providing education and training


Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

University of Latvia, 19 Raina bulv. LV-1586, Riga, Latvia

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


MSc Thesis, title: Spectroscopy of Gaseous Selenium and Tellurium

• Title of qualification awarded


MSc  - Physics


Personal skills

and competences

Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.


Mother tongue




Other languages








Reading skills






Writing skills






Verbal skills







Studying and working experience in multicultural environment.


I am experienced at working in multicultural environment having various, scientific, working and personal contacts with representatives from various nationalities in former Soviet Union. After 1990 I get an opportunity to extend European dimension of  my multicultural experience during my training and study visits as well as working in various international project teams and co-operations projects across the Europe.

I has been participant was invited to take part and make presentations  in numerous EU  and other international conferences.


Organisational skills

and competences

Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets.


I have Project management course certificate.

My coordination  experience  - National Coordinating Contact Point for EU Fifth and Sixth RTD Framework Program’s – more than 6 years;


My political and administrative experience  -  Elected Chairman of Council  of large (240000 inhabitants) local municipality of Riga city, 4 years;

My military training and expertise:

3 years obligatory military service for in army of Soviet Union, 1963-1966.

2 years  - commandos of  Voluntary Land guard battalion in independent Latvia, 1991 -1992 

My project coordination and participation experience  in several  EU FP5&6 projects:

1.                   Local project coordinator:  NCP training BALTNET . Contract  ICA1-CT – 1999-50003

2.                   Project coordinator: Baltic States RTD Community in EU 5th Framework Programme Contracts: Nr  ICA1-CT-2000-50009;

3.                   Chairmen of Local Organizing Committee for EU Large Scale Conference project: “Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability” (Baltic Sea Region taking a lead) . Contract  HPCF-CT-2002-00102;

4.                   Coordinator of FP6 project: International Conference on "Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability" (Baltic Sea Region sharing knowledge internally, across Europe, and world-wide). Contract no.009244, (2004-2006);

5.                   Principal investigator in the FP6 project: “Atmospheric Composition Change: an European Network, Proposal Acronym: ACCENT. Network of Excellence, Contract  No:GOCE – CT – 2004 – 505337 (2004-2008);

6.                   Latvian coordinator in the SSA project: “BUILDING USEFUL NCP NETWORKS”. Project acronym – BUSNET. Contract no.: 003336;

7.                    Latvian coordinator in the SSA project: Supporting Network in the Baltic Candidate Countries. Project acronym – BBC. Contract no.: SSA-510463

8.   I was a principal investigator of two PHARE projects:

Ø       INTERREG II C  project SUPERBS  1999-2001: „Sustainable Urban Patterns Around the Baltic Sea”, coordinator BUP at Uppsala University,  university municipality partnership of 11 municipalities and 11 universities from  7 countries including University of Latvia and Livani municipality in Latvia;

Ø       INTERREG III B Project:  BUUP - Baltic University Urban Forum Implementing Sustainable Strategies in City Dev. 2003-06”, university municipality partnership of 20 cities/towns and 14 universities from  14 countries including University of Latvia and Livani municipality from Latvia;

9.   I was/am  coordinator of two PHARE projects:

Ø       PHARE project: Co-operation Programme in the Baltic Sea Region in 2001, grant contract LE01.07/SPF/0023    (LU 2000-2033). Human Resources for the Economic Development of Livani District and Surrounding Territories Basing on University  Municipality Partnership. “Inversed Brain-Drain”

Ø       Co-operation  Programme in the Baltic Sea Region PHARE 2003

grant contract   LV2003/005-876/MPF/0014(LU 2005/2255). Human

Resources for the Economic Development in South Latgale Basing on transnational  University  Municipality Partnership. “Knowledge Transfer”

10.   Coordinator of EU Structural Funds Social Fund project (2006-2008) Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu projekts Nr.VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ (LU reģ. S-46 ESS -2006/57): “Innovation in MSC studies in Physics and Natural sciences – Physics of Global Change  and Technologies for Sustainable Devlopment”

11.   Coordinator of. Latvian Research Council Project (2005-2008) Nr 05.1862 (LU Nr.Z-855-109): “The On-line Research  in Stratosphere and Troposphere with White Light Beam (Earth - Satellite Onboard Sensors)  and  Photochemistry of Ozone – Halogens Mixture”. 

12.   12. I was a Program Committee member from Latvia for Improving Human potential program  of The Fifth Framework Program FP5 of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (1998-2002)

13.   I was a Program Committee member from for Specific programmes “Structuring the European Research Area”  and  “Human resources and mobility”  of FP6  (2002.-2006,

13.   Since 2006 I am a member from Latvia for Programme Committees of FP7: “Peoples”, Regions of Knowledge, Research Potential and Coherent Development of Policies”

I have long lasting experience of responsible duties in various NGOs  including sports areas like rescue and safety services  in alpine tourism and mountain climbing. Long term experience from Caucasus,  Pamir,  Tjan-shan mountain regions,

Climbing Monte Blanco  to get overview on EU issues!!!    


Computer andTechnical skills and competences


Computer skills in Microsoft environment.

Driver’s licence




TEAching activities



Supervised PhD Thesis:

1.       Janis Rupkus. Spectroscopical Studies of Lead Metastable Atoms in the Flash Photolysis of Lead Halogenides. (Kopā ar prof.E.Kraulinu)

2.       Uldis Berzins. Measurements of Radiation Parameters (transition probabilities and life times of excited states) Using Spectroscopic Methods, 1988. (Kopā ar prof.E.Kraulinu)

3.       Uldis Gross:The Method of Flash Photolysis in the Iodine-Ozone Mixture Photochemical Research, 2002.

4.       Edgars Smalins The problem of Halogens in the Atmosphere (PhD studies).

5.       Janis Pukite. Research on Atmosphere from Sattelite Platforms Atmosfēras pētījumu no mākslīgo Zemes pavadoņu platformām., (PhD studies).


Supervised MSc Thesis:

1.       Janis Rupkus. Studies of Metastable Atoms in Photodissociation of Molecules, 1971.

2.       Uldis Berzins. Studies of Atomic and Molecular Tellurium with Spectroscopic Methods, 1981.

3.       Uldis Gross. Studies of  Possible Usage of   UV Eximer Lasers in Flash Photolysis, 1983.

4.       G.Ansitis, K.Abolina, E.Birzniece, R.Bukovskis. The Concept of Sustainable Development  and  Realities of Environmental Education (group work), 1994.

5.       Gunta Lukstina. Planing for Sustainable Development. Experience from Resort City Jurmala, 1995

6.       Iveta Mediņa, Dina Bloka, Astra Vilnite. Rujiena Town – Vision Towards Sustainable Development (group work), 1997.

7.       Jana Simanovska.  Environment Management in Self Governments of Daugavpils, Jelgava, Jurmala, Liepaja, Rezekne, Riga and Ventspils – State of Art and development, 1997.

8.       Edgars Smalins. Halogen Oxides in Stratosphere and Troposphere and Iodine Oxide Studies in the Iodine-Ozone Mixture with the Method of Flash Photolysis in the Iodine-Ozone Mixture, 2000.

9.       Anda Ozolina. Indoor Air Quality Problems and their Culture Heritage Context, 2001.

10.   Guna Esenberga. Polution of Atmosphera in Winter.

11.   Jānis Pukite. Research and Monitoring of Atmosphera from Satelite Based Platforms.

12.   Jurgis Kalvans. Advanced Solar Panel Constructions, 2005.

13.   Maris Kunickis. Energy saving light sources and equipment in Riga lightening systems, 2005


Supervised BSc Thesis:

1.       AigarsGrasis. Depletion of Ozone Layer and UV Radiation on the Earth, 1997

2.       Edgars Smalins. Impact of Troposphere Pollution on Flora, Fauna and Human Health,  1997.

3.       Dace Maculska. Tourism with Specific Interest & Business Ethics. Mountain Climbing, 1999.

4.       Guna Esenberga. Air Pollution in Winter and Problems in Latvia, 1999.

5.       Romans Kazancevs. Sun and Geophysical processes on the Earth, 2003.

6.       Krisjanis Gross, Overview of upgrade of CORDIS RTD portal, 2006.



Specific area of activity


There are several fields of my professional experience and interests.

My basic research experience  in atomic physics, spectroscopy and  photochemistry resulted in  step by step involvement in atmospheric research  and in the problems of air pollution and air quality.  I have experience in applied research related to specific RF discharcge atomic spectra sources in UV and VUV. 

In parallel I made efforts to be professionally  involved in democracy development  and  in  the issues of sustainable development   on municipality level from one side and technologies for sustainable development from other side. 

Tutorship, teaching and research training of students (supervisor of MSc and PhD thesis) in above mentioned fields in particular and  human resource development as a whole is my next field of serious activities.


I have  up to 80 various scientific articles in my scientific career and  some 40  participations in international scientific conferences during the last  12 years when Soviet Union collapsed and  “Iron Curtain” was taken away.  There are some latest  main  publications and conferences  listed below:


1.        A.Ubelis, V.Seglins, A.Malik. An Assessment of Selected Policies for Controlling Stationary  and Point Source Pollution Emissions in Latvia, 59 pp .  Report for the Central and  Eastern Europe Environment Economics and Policy Project of Harvard Institute for  International Development, Massachusetts, USA, 1996

2.        A.Ubelis, J.Silins I.Trabjerg. Specific UV and VUV Spectra Light Sources, in: Optical  Inorganic Dielectric Materials and Devices. Ed. A.Krumins, D.Millers, A.Sternbergs,  J.Spigulis(eds), Proc.SPIE 2967, (1997), pp. 266-269.

3.        A.Ubelis. Report “Existing and Coming Air Pollution Legislation of European Union in  comparison with the demands of  The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air  Pollution and  National Legislation of Some States in Europe”. Survey with accent towards  stationary point sources in energetic and industry. 1997. 145 pp.  World Bank grant  Nr. WBTF O28205-LV Development of New Emission Standards for Sources of Air Pollution in  Latvia and adjusting to EU directives.

4.        Arnolds Ubelis. Perspectives of Environmental Policies: Latvian Perspective. In the

 book -Lucia Mariani, Matteo  Mascia; Martina Vagacova (Ed.) New Europe:

Transformation and Environmental Issues,  EUROPA 2000. Studies zur Interdisciplinaren Deutschland- und Europaforshung. LIT Verlag, Universiotat Munster, 1998. Pp. 221 – 330.

5.        .A.Ubelis, J.Abolins  Lessons of the past and challenges of the future Latvia, In: The  knowledge-based economy. The Global Challenges of the 21st  Century. State Committee for Scientific Research. Republic of Poland. Science and Government Series. Vol. 5. Ed. Antoni Kuklinski, Witold M.Orlowski  Warszawa 2000, p.130-140.

6.        Uldis Gross, Arnolds Ubelis, Peter Spietz, John Burrows. Iodine  and Mercury Resonance  lamps for Kinetics Experiments and their Spectrum in the far  Ultraviolet.. J. Phys.D.Appl.Phys.33(2000) 1588-1591

7.        Ubelis, V.Bergmanis. Insight in the History of Point Source Air Pollutant Emission Inventory  in Latvia. Proceedings. of EUROTRAC  Symposium 2000, Editors: P.M. Borrel, P.Borrell,   2000 WIT PRESS,  Southampton.  In press.

8.        .Uldis Gross, Arnolds Ubelis, Janis Jansons . Iodine and mercury resonance lamps  and  their  spectrum in far UV. Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Optical Inorganic Structures and Devices(ADOM-2)     16-19 August 2000 • Vilnius, Lithuania ,

 Vol. 4318, pp.84-88, 2001.


 Resent  participation in conferences:

1.        A.Ubelis. Challenges of Sustainability in Latvia. Invited lector. 2nd Conference on the  Baltic Sea Region. Perspectives of Sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region.  November 7-10, 1999, The German association for the Club of Rome, Hamburg.

2.        Arnolds Ubelis. European Conference: “Investing in Europe’s Human Research Potential” Heraklion, Crete, Greece,  October, 2000. Invited expert.

3.        A.Ubelis, J.Aboliņš, D.Berzina - The Project of "Physics and Sustainable Technologies" at the University of Latvia, The International conference:  Environment -2000, October 18-20, Aalborg, Denmark;

4.        A.Ubelis. Successful partner search for projects- problems and possibilities. WORKSHOP:  Germany and the Candidate Countries on the way to the 6th European RTD Framework Programme. Bonn,  April 26-27, 2001.

5.        A.Ubelis (invited participant) International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. Sustainability  Research and Sectorial Integration.Bridging the Gap. Stockholm, Sweden, 9-11 May 2001.

6.        A,Ubelis. How did Latvia Experience Participation in EU Fifth Framework Programme for  Research and Technology Development. Swedish EU Presidency Conference “The  role of the Candidate Countries in EU-research”. Linköping. Sweden, 21-22  May 2001.

7.        A.Ubelis. (Invited participant) Conference “An Enlarged Europe for Researchers”

Brussels, 27-28/06/2001.

8.        A.Ubelis. Latvia in FP5 – Review of Results of 2.5 Year Participation,

 Conference&Brocerage event BALTIC DYNAMICS, Riga, Latvia, September 14/15, 2001.

9.        A.Ubelis, invited expert. Setting Concepts into Motion, Sustainable Development and R&D Policies, Workshop – Brussels 28-29 November 2001.

10.     A.Ubelis. Technologies for Sustainable Development. Baltic University Programme

 Research Seminar. Integrated Approaches to Sustainability. Uppsala University,

February 9-17 , 2002.

11.     A.Ubelis, invited expert. Setting Concepts in Motion, Mapping Common Research Actions  Supporting Sustainable Development in Europe. Workshop – Seville, 23-24 May 2002. .

12.     A.Ubelis. Invited participant. FP6 Launching Conference.European Research 2002. The European Research Area and the Framework Programme. Brussels, 11-13. November 2002.

13.     A.Ubelis. Teaching Physics and Sustainability. EU Large Scale Conference, March 26-29, Jurmala, Latvia.

14.      A.Ubelis. Invited participant. Regional Foresight Methods Training Workshop. European Foresight Academy. JRC-ISPRA, Italy. 26-28 May 2003.

15.     A.Ubelis. Invited participant Workshop "The JRC preparing for Enlargement" - Ispra, 26-27 June 2003

16.     A.Ubelis. Invited participant.  JRC Informative Seminar “Encouraging Science & Technology Research through Mobility”, 13th – 14th October 2003, Ispra ITALY

17.     A.Ubelis. Invited participant. Italy Prezidency conference  "Governance and the Lisbon Process in an Enlarged European Union", Italy, Florence, 20.-21.November 2003.

18.     A.Ubelis. Invited participant. JRC IRMM Training workshop. Reference Materials for Environmental Studies Selection and Use. Geel, Belgium, 2.-3. February 2004.

19.      A.Ubelis. Invited participant.  EU conference “Acceding and Candidate Countries and the 6th  Framework Programme” Romania, Bucharest,  February 12-13, 2004.

20.     A.Ubelis. Teaching physics and sustainability. Invited participant in the conference:Learning to change our world – international consultation on Education for Sustainable Development , Göteborg, Sweden, 4–7 May 2004.

21.       Ubelis, EU conference, “Brain Gain – the Instruments”, The Hague, 29-30 September 2004

22.     Arnolds Ubelis. Teaching Physics and Sustainability. Experience of the project: Physics and technologies for Sustainable Development (Years  1997-2005). World Conference on Physics and Sustainable Develop-

ment, South Africa, October 29.-November 1, 2005 





List of  Main Publications. Conferences. Patent certificates.



1.    Radiative and Collision Characteristics of Atoms and Molecules.Tellurium. Ed. A.Ubelis. Riga. University of Latvia, 1989, 157 pp.

2.    Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region, Ed.W.Leal, A.Ubelis, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag  der Wissenschaften 2004. 556 p.

3.    Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond, Ed.:W.Leal, A.Ubelis, D.Berziņa, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag  der Wissenschaften 2006. 700 p.


1.                   A.P.Ubelis, J.A.Silinsh The Population of Atomic States 1S0 , 1D2 ,  3P0,1,2  in the Flash Photolysis of Selenium  and  Tellurium Molecules. Opt.Spectrosc. 1975, V33, No 3, p 479-485, Russian.

2.                   A.P.Ubelis.Investigation of Selenium and Tellurium Atoms Using Method of Gaseous Flash Photolysis. Izv. AN Latv.SSR. 1978, No 2,.p. 20-35, Russian.

3.                   A.P.Ubelis,J.A.Silinsh. Experimental Setup for High Temperature Flash Photolysis. Zhrnl. Prikl.Spekt.1979, V 31, No 4, p.755-757.

4.                   A.P.Ubelis,J.A.Silinsh, U.V.Berzinsh, Z.A.Rachko.  The  Spectra  of High Frecquency Electrodeless Lamps in the Vacuum UV Region.  Zhrn.Prikl.Spectr.1981, V. 35, No 2, p.216-219, Russian.

5.                   A.P.Ubelis, A.E.Lezdin. Measurements of Absolute Values of Afterglow Intensity in Flash Photolysis of Tellurium Vapor. Kvant.Electron.1982.,V.9. No10, pp.2097-2099.

6.                   A.P.Ubelis. Temperature Curves of Saturated Tellurium Vapor. Inzh. Fiz. Zhrn. 1982. V. 42, No 3, p. 427-434, Russian.

7.                   A.P.Ubelis, U.V.Berzinsh. Transition Probabilities Measurements of Te I Spectral Lines by Methods of Emission and Absorption of Radiation.- Phys.Scr. 1983. Vol.28. No 2. P.171-176.

8.                   A.P.Ubelis, A.E.Lezdin. Spectral Distribution of Afterglow in the Flash Photolysis of Selenium  and Sulphur  Vapor. Chim.Phys.  1984, V.3, No 6, P.833-835, Russian.

9.                   A.Ubelis, U.Berzinsh. Transition Probabilities Measurements of Se I Spectral Lines by Emission  Method. Phys.Scr., 1986, V.34, No 6,  p.8O5-807.

10.               J.E.Rupkus, A.P.Ubelis.The Chemiluminescence in Flash Photolysis of Tin Dichloride Vapor. Chim. Phys. 1987, V. 6, No 7, p.1000- 1002. Russian.

11.               J.E.Rupkus, A.P.Ubelis, E.K.Kraulinya. Impact of Qurtz Surfaces  on the Volume Photochemical Processes in the Flash Photolysis of Tin Dibromide. Chim.Phys. 1989, V.8, No 3, p. 333-342. Russian.

12.               A.P.Ubelis, U.V.Berzinsh.  Relative Intensities of the S-p Multiplet Spectral Lines in the O I, Si, Se I, Te I  Homologous Series. Opt.Spectr. 1987, Vol.65, No.2. p. 496-498.

13.               A.Ubelis, U.Berzinsh. 5s 5p 6s-5s 5p  Transition Probabilities of Te I. Physica Scripta 1991. Vol.43. No 2, p.162-165.

14.               A.Ubelis. High Frecquency Electrodeless Discharge Lamps for the Vacuum Ultraviolet Region of Spectra. In: Electrodeless  Discharge Lamps. Ed. E.Kraulinya, Riga,LU, 1992, p.87-93. (Russian).

15.               A.Ubelis. The First Studies in the Field of Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Atmosphere in Latvia. Proceedings of Third NordicSymposium on Atmospheric Chemistry - NORSAC 93. March 1994, Oslo University 82-83 pp.

16.               A.Ubelis. The Concept of Sustainable Development and Problems of Latvia. Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Zin.raksti 601. sej. LU, Riga 1995, 8.-13. lpp .

17.               A.Ubelis, V.Sturis. Sustainable Development and Environment Management in Municpipalities.    Studies in Preili District . Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Zin.raksti 601. sej. LU, Riga 1995, 23.-27. lpp .

18.               A.Ubelis, A.Leitass, M.Vitols; Monitoring and Analysis of Air Quality in Riga, in: Air Pollution and Visibility Measurements, P.Fabian, V.Klein, M.Tacke, K.Werner (eds), Proc.SPIE 2506, (1995), pp. 319-329.

19.               A.Ubelis. Preliminary Status Report on Air Pollution Problems of Riga, in the book EUROTRAC 96 ed by P.M. Borrel, P.Borrell, T.Cvita¸, K.Kelly, W.Seiler, 1996 Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton.

20.               A.Ubelis, V.Seglins, A.Malik. An Assessment of Selected Policies for Controlling Stationary and Point Source Pollution Emissions in Latvia, 59 pp .  Report for the Central and Eastern Europe Environment Economics and Policy Project of Harvard Institute for International Development, Massachusetts, USA, 1996

21.               A.Ubelis. City Planning in Latvia and Strategy for Sustainable Development. In book:  European Cities - Sustaining Urban Quality. Proceedings of  Working Conf. in Copenhagen  24-28 April 1995.177-182 pp. Ministry of Environment  and Energy. Denmark, 1996.

22.               A.Ubelis. V.Sturis, B.Rasmussen, G.Lukstina. Sustainable Development - a View from Latvia in Transition. International Conference on Environmental Pollution. Budapest, Hungary, 15-19.April 1996. Proceedings: Vol.1.,  p.41-48.

23.               M.Andersson,R.Edberg,M.Granvik,M.Kozakewicz,D.J.Peterson, A.Ubelis, A.Yablokob. From Intention to Action.Implementing Sustainable Development. Booklet 10 (52 p.)  in a Series of Booklets from the Baltic University Programme - A Sustainable Baltic Region. Ed. Lars Ryden, Upsala University, 1996.

24.               A.Ubelis, M.Vitols. Air Pollution in Riga. Measurements and Modeling. Proceedings of the NOSA/NORSAC Symposium 1996, Helsingor, Denmark, 15-17. November 1996 p. 138-139..

25.               A.Ubelis, J.Silins I.Trabjerg. Specific UV and VUV Spectra Light Sources, in: Optical Inorganic Dielectric Materials and Devices. A.Krumins, D.Millers, A.Sternbergs, J.Spigulis(eds), Proc.SPIE 2967, (1997), pp. 266-269.

26.               A.Ubelis. Existing and Coming Air Pollution Legislation of European Union in comparison with the demands of  The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and  National Legislation of Some States in Europe. Survey with accent towards stationary point sources in energetic and industry. 1997. 145 pp.  World Bank grant Nr. WBTF O28205-LV Development of New Emission Standards for Sources of Air Pollution in Latvia and adjusting to EU directives.

27.               A.Ubelis, V.Bergmanis.EUROTRAC-2 in Latvia. A Two-Year Experience. Proceedings. of EUROTRAC  Symposium ‘98, Editors: P.M. Borrel, P.Borrell,  1999 WIT PRESS,  Southampton.

28.               Arnolds Ubelis. Perspectives of Environmental Policies: Latvian Perspective. In the book -Lucia Mariani, Matteo  Mascia; Martina Vagacova (Ed.) New Europe: Transformation and Environmental Issues,  EUROPA 2000. Studies zur Interdisciplinaren Deutschland- und Europaforshung. LIT Verlag, Universiotat Munster, 1998. Pp. 221 – 330.

29.               .A.Ubelis, J.Abolins  Lessons of the past and challenges of the future Latvia, In: The knowledge-based economy. The Global Challenges of the 21st  Century. State Committee for Scientific Research. Republic of Poland. Science and Government Series. Vol. 5. Ed. Antoni Kuklinski, Witold M.Orlowski  Warszawa 2000, p.130-140.

30.               Uldis Gross, Arnolds Ubelis, Peter Spietz, John Burrows. Iodine  and Mercury Resonance lamps for Kinetics Experiments and their Spectrum in the far Ultraviolet.. J. Phys.D.Appl.Phys.33(2000) 1588-1591

31.               A.Ubelis, V.Bergmanis. Insight in the History of Point Source Air Pollutant Emission Inventory in Latvia. Proceedings. of EUROTRAC  Symposium 2000, Editors: P.M. Borrel, P.Borrell,  2000 WIT PRESS,  Southampton.  In press.

32.               .Uldis Gross, Arnolds Ubelis, Janis Jansons . Iodine and mercury resonance lamps and their  spectrum in far UV. Proceedings of SPIE, Smart Optical Inorganic Structures and Devices (ADOM-2)     16-19 August 2000 • Vilnius, Lithuania ,  Vol. 4318, pp.84-88. 2001.

33.               A.Ubelis. Science and Universities – Luxury or Foundations to Nations Future Well-being. In Latvian. In a book Trajectories of Socioeconomic Process in Latvia 1985-2002. p.307- 318. Ventspils University Colleague, 2002.

34.                V.Gercans, A.Ubelis, Efforts to Create a Sustainable Economic Development in Livani. Co-ordinator of the model project (Livani-LU) within the  INTERREG IIC   project Sustainable Urban Patterns Around the Baltic  Sea (SUPERBS).. Case study III,  INTERREG IIC   report 21-32, 2002.

35.               Edgars , Smalins., Uldis Gross., Peter Spietz. Arnolds Ubelis., Iodine and bromine resonance lamps in atmospheric research, Smalins E., Gross U., Spietz P. Ubelis A., Proc. SPIE vol. 5123, "Advanced optical devices", 2003, pages 63-68.

36.               E. Smalins, U. Gross, J. Jansons, A. Ubelis, Atomic Spectra from RF Electrodeless Discharge Sources for UV and VUV Spectrometry and Analytical Measurements. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW Volume 5, Section 3, 2005, pp. 94-97.  

37.                M.Abele, J.Vjaters,  A.Ubelis, L.Osipova.  A TELESCOPE TO SPOT SPACE OBJECTS FROM THE EARTH SURFACE. LATVIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND_TECHNICAL SCIENCES 2005, N 3 (ISSN 0868-8257) pp.20-28.

38.               A.Ubelis.  Teaching for Sustainable Development and University-Municipality Partnership (project « Inversed BRAIN DRAIN). Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond, Ed.:W.Leal, A.Ubelis, D.Berzina, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag  der Wissenschaften 2006. p193-203..

39.               Puķīte J., Ubelis A., Research and Monitoring of Air pollution from satellites. The aspects of Latvia. Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond, Ed.:W.Leal, A.Ubelis, D.Berzina, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag  der Wissenschaften 2006A.Ubelis.  Teaching for Sustainable Development and University-Municipality Partnership (project « Inversed BRAIN DRAIN). Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond, Ed.:W.Leal, A.Ubelis, D.Berzina, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag  der Wissenschaften 2006. p193-203..

40.               Evi Schuepbach, Asbjørn Aarflot, Silvio Borella, Mark Jacob, Michael J. Kobernus, Nikos Moussiopoulos, Arnolds Ūbelis. Atmospheric Composition Change is Fun: Learning and Teaching within a Network of Excellence. In the book: The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphere. The first ACCENT Symposium, Sept. 2005. MMVI, ARACNE editrice, Roma, Nov.2006,  256.p

41.               Ankie Piters, Ellen Brinksma, Miranda van den Broek, Bart Dils, Bo Galle, Louise, Kramer, Mark Kroon, Emmanuel Mahieu, Johan Meilqvist, Pauls S.Monk, Justusx Notholt, Yvan Orsolini, Andrea Petritoli, Daniel Schaub, Ralf Sussmann, Arnolds Ūbelis.Validation Strategies for Tropospherc Satellite Data Products. In the book: The Changing Chemical Climate of the Atmosphe re. The first ACCENT Symposium, Sept. 2005. MMVI, ARACNE editrice, Roma, Nov.2006,  256.p.



Patent sertificates


1. A.P.Ubelis J.A.Silinsh, S.J.Liepa.A.J.Skudra The mwethot of Manufacturing High Frequency Electrodeless Lamps and Setup for its Realization. Soviet pat.cert.CCCP No 623432, 10 January 1978.

2. A.P.Ubelis, J.A.Silinsh. The device of manufacturing high  frequency electrodeless lamps. Soviet  patent  certificate.  CCCP.     No 83941O. 10.Febr.1979.

3. J.A.Silinsh, A.P.Ubelis. The method of manufacturing high frequency electrodeless lamps. Soviet  patent certificate. CCCP  No 953679. 3.Febr.1981.

4. A.P.Ubelis, J.A.Silinsh, S.J.Liepa, A.J.Skudra. The method of manufacturing  electrodeless  mercury lamps. Soviet patent  certificate. CCCP No 1071155. 29 June 1982.

5. S.J.Putninya, A.J.Skudra, A.P.Ubelis. Gaseous discharge source of resonance emission.  Soviet  patent  certificate.   CCCP   No 1551162. 3.May,1988.

6. A.P.Ubelis, A,J,Skudra, B.H.Kuzmijeva, M.H.Kuzmijeva Gaseous discharge electrodeless lamp. Soviet  patent  certificate.  CCCP  No 1642537. 19.October 1989.



Participation in conferences


1.  S.Putninya, A.Skudra, Yu.Silinsh,A.Ubelis, M.Jansons.High Frequency Electrodeless Lamps for Analytical and Spectroscopic measurements.- Analytiktrfen  1986. Atomspektroskopie-Fortschritte und Analutische Anwendungen. IX CANAS. Conference on Atomic Spectroscopy. DDR, Neubranderburg. 1986.15-19.09. P.232.

2.  U.Berzinsh, A.Ubelis .Transition probability Measurments of Se I Atoms  by Flash Photolysis Method. Abstract of the 3rd Conference of Soviet Union on Theoretical and Aplied Optics. Leningrad, 1988, 159-60.(Russian).

3.       D.Berzinya, S.Putninya, A.Ubelis.  Shapes  of  Helium  Spectral Lines from High Frequency Electrodeless Sources.9th International  Conference  on  Spectral Line  Shapes. July 25-29, 1988. Torun. Abstracts  of Contributed Papers.   D.32.

4.       U.V.Berzinsh, A.P.Ubelis.  Transition Probabilities in Se I  and  Te I atoms. - Abstract of the XX Congress of Soviet Union on Spectroscopy. Kiev. 1988. 87.(Russian).

5.       U.Berzinsh, J.Silinsh, A.Ubelis.VUV Sources of Atomic Spectra for Analytical Spectroscopy and Atomic Physics. Abstrcts of theXXVI  Colloquium Spectroscopium International. Sofia.1989.P.95

6.       U.V.Berzinsh, U.A.Gross, A.P.Ubelis. The Absorption Spectra of Selenium  and  Tellurium  Vapour  in  the  175-200  nm Region. Abstract of the VIII Conference of Soviet Union on VUV Physics and Interaction with Matter. Irkutsk 1989.P. 271-2.(Russian).

7.       A.Ubelis, U.Berzinsh, J.Silinsh. VUV Sources of Atomic Spectra for  Analytical Spectroscopy and Atomic Physics. XXVI Colloqium Spectroscopic Internationals. Sofia July 1989, p.95.

8.       A.P.Ubelis, U.V.Gross, J.E.Rupkus. Investigation of Spectra of  Hemiluminescence at the Interraction of Alkaline  Metals  with  Molecules of Tellurium Halogenides. Absrtracts  of  III  Union Xemiluminescence Conference. Riga, LU, May  199O.P.189, (Russian.

9.       A.P.Ubelis, U.V.Gross, J.E.Rupkus. The Reactions  of  Hemiluminescence in the Vapor of  Pb  and  Sn Halogenides. Abstracts III  Soviet  Union Xemiluminescence \ Conference. Riga, LU. May  1990.P.183.(Russian

10.   A.Ubelis. Spectroscopy  and  Photochemistry  of Polluted Atmospere a New Research Direction in University of Latvia.-Proc. 3th NORDIC Symp.Atmospheric Chemistry. Stockholm, 1991, 3 pp.

11.   A.Ubelis, J.Rupkus, J.Silinsch. Investigation of Spectral  Propertise and Photochemical Proceses  of Vapor of Inorganic compounds in Conditions of High Temperature Photolysis. Abstracts of World Latvian's Congress of Sciences.Riga, Latvia,June\ 1991.

12.   A.Ubelis. Conference of the Union of the Baltic Cities. May 22-24, 1992, Kalmar.  Invited participiant  as a Riga contact person in the Union of Baltic Cities.

13.   U.Berzinsh, U.Gross, J.Silinsh, A.Ubelis. The Measurements of Oscillator Strengths in VUV/UV Region of Spectra by the Ladenburg Method. Abstracts IV ECAMP Riga, 1992. p.420.

14.   A.Ubelis, U.Gross. Thesis in Spectroscopy and Photochemistry the Possibility Introducing  Students into Environmental Problems. The First Baltic Workshop. Environmental Science and Management Studies Jurmala, 1992.

15.         A.Ubelis. Research activities in the Field  of Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Atmosphere in Latvia. Nordic Symposium  Workshop on Atmospheric Chemistry. Oslo, December 3-5, 1993.

16.   A.Ubelis, J.Silinsh, U.Berzinsh, U.Gross. The  Atomic and Molecular Species of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Subgroups in the Radiative and Photochemical Processes. Latvijas Fizikas biedribas konference 1993.1-3.junijs, tezes, 31-32 lpp.

17.   A.Ubelis. The European Conference on Sustainable Cities&Towns, AALBORG, MAY, 1994. Invited expert.

18.   A.Ubelis, J.Silinsh, S.Putninya, A.Skudra. Manufacturing and Investigation of the Electrodeless Discharge Lamps for the UV/VUV  Spectral Regions. The 14 Nordic Atomic Spectroscopy  and Trace  Element Conference. 30 May-2 June 1994. Naantali,Finland. 5.pp.

19.   A.Ubelis. Public Awareness of Sustainable Development - a Case for the Baltic Region. Interdisciplinarity and Systems Approach. The Baltic Workshop on Environmental Science and Management  Education. August 25- 28, 1994, Jurmala, Latvia. Proceedings 6 pp.

20.   A.Ubelis, A.Plaudis. National Activities/Programs Related to IGBP/ WCRP/HDP. Regional Seminar on European Network for Research in Global Change -ENRICH, 15-17 September 1994. Budapest, Hungary.

21.   A.Ubelis (Representative from Latvia) Intergovernmental  Panel  on Climate  Change IPCC,  WMO, 26 - 27 Sept.,94. Geneva, Switzerland.

22.   Regional Forum: Restoring Baltic Environment. First Workshop - Environment and Property Rights. Ligatne, Latvia 12-16.Dec.94. Head of Organizing Committee and member of Proceedings editors’ board.

23.   The 1st  Eco-Baltic Lubeck, 8-10 March 1995.Conf. Partnership for Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region. Invited Expert.

24.   Berlin Municipal Climate Change Conf. 3.-5. April 1995. Invited Expert.

25.   A.Ubelis. City Planning in Latvia and Strategy for Sustainable Development. European Cities - Sustaining Urban Quality. "The European City-Sustaining Urban  Quality". Working Conf. in Copenhagen  24-28 April 1995.

26.   Arnolds Ubelis, Andris Leitass, Maris Vitols. Monitoring and analysis of air quality in Riga. European Symposium on Optics for Environmental and Public Safety, which will take part 19-23.June 1995, Fairgrounds, Munich, FR Germany. Proceed. 11.pp.

27.   A.Ubelis. Lidzsvarotas attistibas principi un Latvijas problemas. Lavijas Universitātes 54 zin.konf. 1995.g.18.-27.sept. Latvijas Universitātes raksti. Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Zin.raksti 601. sčj. LU, Riga 1995, 8.-13. lpp/

28.   A.Ubelis, V.Sturis. Lidzsvarota attistiba un vides pārvalde pasvaldibās. Petijumi Preilu rajonā. Lavijas Universitātes 54 zin.konf. 1995.g.18.-27.sept. Latvijas Universitātes raksti. Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Zin.raksti 601. sej. LU, Riga 1995, 23.-27. lpp .

29.   A.Ubelis. Fizika un nākotnes vidi kontrolejošas un dabu saudzejošas tehnoloģijas.Lavijas Universitātes 54 zin.konf. 1995.g.18.-27.sept.

30.   U.Berzinsch, A.Ubelis, J.Silins, S.Svanbergs, R.Zerne, Luo Calyabn, Ib Trabjerg. Piektās un sestās apakšgrupas atomu dzives laiki un pāreju varbutibas spektra VUV dalā. Latvijas Universitātes 54 zin.konf. 1995.g.18.-27.sept.

31.   A.Ubelis. Starting Research in the Field of Sustainable Development in Latvia. 5th International Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development in the Baltic Region. Transforming the Baltic Environment: Strategies and Policies. Nyköping, Sweden, November 13-15, 1995.

32.   A.Ubelis. Sustainable Development and Democracy - A View from Latvia in Transition.  Conf. The Responsibility of Science in Attaining Sustainable Development. Uppsala, April 18-20, 1996.

33.   A.Ubelis, J.Silins, I.Trabjerg. Specific UV and VUV Spectra Light Sources. International Conference "Advanced Optical Materials and Devices", Riga, August 26-29, 1996.

34.   A.Ubelis. Concept of Sustainable Development Against Political "Heritage" of the Past in the Countries of Transition. Third International Conference on Ethics and Environment Policies. The New Europe. Transformation and Environmental Issues. 26-28 September, 1996, Bratislava, Slovac Republic.

35.   A.Ubelis, M.Vītols. Preliminary Status Report on Air Pollution Problems Riga. Measurements and Modelling. Proceedings ofThe NOSA/NORSAC Symposium 1996, Helsingor, Denmark, 15-17. November 1996 p. 138-139..

36.   A.Ubelis. Sustainable development and democracy – a view from Latvia in transition. In.Conference. The Responsibility of Science in Attaining Sustainable Development. Uppsala April, 18-20,1996.

37.   A.Ubelis, V.Bergmanis. EUROTRAC-2 in Latvia. A Two Year Experience. EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 98. Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 23th-27th March, 1998.

38.   A.Ubelis. Challenges of Sustainability in Latvia. Invited lector. 2nd Conference on the Baltic Sea Region. Perspectives of Sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region. November 7-10, 1999, The German association for the Club of Rome, Hamburg.

39.   A.Ubelis, V.Bergmanis. Insight in the History of Point Source Air Pollutant Emission Inventory in Latvia. EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2000. Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 23th-27th March, 2000.

40.   A.Ūbelis, The Role of Universities in the System Change in Latvia (invited speaker). INEES-International Network of Scientists and Engineers for Global Responsibility conference: Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century. Subconference: Universities and Democracy in Post-communist Europe. Uppsala-Stockholm June 13-18.2000.

41.   Uldis Gross a, Arnolds Ubelis, Janis Jansons Iodine and mercury resonance lamps and their spectrum in far UV. SPIE conference. Advanced Optical Materials and Devices (ADOM-2) 16-19 August 2000 • Vilnius, Lithuania .

42.   Arnolds Ūbelis. European Conference: “Investing in Europe’s Human Research Potential” Heraklion, Crete, Greece,  October, 2000. Invited expert.

43.   Arnolds Ubelis. Science&Governance in a Knowledge Society. The Challenge for Europe, Brussels, 16/17 October 2000. Invited expert.

44.   A.Ūbelis, J.Āboliņš, D.Bērziņa - The Project of "Physics and Sustainable Technologies" at the University of Latvia, The International conference:  Environment -2000, October 18-20, Aalborg, Denmark;

45.   A.Ūbelis. Successful partner search for projects- problems and possibilities. WORKSHOP: Germany and the Candidate Countries on the way to the 6th European RTD Framework Programme. Bonn,  April 26-27, 2001.

46.   A.Ūbelis (invited participant) International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. Sustainability Research and Sectorial Integration.Bridging the Gap. Stockholm, Sweden, 9-11 May 2001.

47.   A,Ubelis. How did Latvia Experience Participation in EU Fifth Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development. Swedish EU Presidency Conference “The role of the Candidate Countries in EU-research”. Linköping. Sweden, 21-22  May 2001.

48.   A.Ubelis. (Invited participant) Conference “An Enlarged Europe for Researchers” Brussels, 27-28/06/2001.

49.   A.Ūbelis. – “Participation of Latvian Researchers in EU Fifth Framework programme. Results for two years. Latvian. Second World Congress of Latvian Scientists. A Knowledge-Based Society in Latvia. Riga, 2001, August 14-15.

50.   A.Ubelis. Latvia in FP5 – Review of Results of 2.5 Year Participation, Conference&Brokerage event BALTIC DYNAMICS, Riga, Latvia, September 14/15, 2001.

51.   A.Ubelis, invited expert. Setting Concepts into Motion, Sustainable Development and R&D Policies, Workshop – Brussels 28-29 November 2001.

52.   A.Ubelis. Technologies for Sustainable Development. Research Seminar. Integrated Approaches to Sustainability. Uppsala University, Baltic University Programme. February 9-17 , 2002.

53.   A.Ubelis, invited expert. Setting Concepts in Motion, Mapping Common Research Actions Supporting Sustainable Development in Europe. Workshop – Seville, 23-24 May 2002.

54.   A.Ubelis, invited expert.  EU Conference “Flexible Europe – Mobility as a tool for enhancing research capacity” September 19-20, Tallin, 2002

55.   A.Ubelis. Invited participant. FP6 Launching Conference.European Research 2002. The European Research Area and the Framework Programme. Brussels, 11-13. November 2002.

56.   A.Ubelis. Teaching Physics and Sustainability. EU Large Scale Conference, March 26-29, Jurmala, Latvia.

57.    A.Ubelis. Invited participant. Regional Foresight Methods Training Workshop. European Foresight Academy. JRC-ISPRA, Italy. 26-28 May 2003.

58.   A.Ubelis. Invited participant Workshop "The JRC preparing for Enlargement" - Ispra, 26-27 June 2003

59.   A.Ubelis. Invited participant.  JRC Informative Seminar “Encouraging Science & Technology Research through Mobility”, 13th – 14th October 2003, Ispra ITALY

60.   A.Ubelis. Invited participant. Italy Prezidency conference  "Governance and the Lisbon Process in an Enlarged European Union", Italy, Florence, 20.-21.November 2003.

61.   A.Ubelis. Invited participant. JRC IRMM Training workshop. Reference Materials for Environmental Studies Selection and Use. Geel, Belgium, 2.-3. February 2004.

62.   A.Ubelis. Invited participant.  EU conference “Acceding and Candidate Countries and the 6th  Framework Programme” Romania, Bucharest,  February 12-13, 2004.

63.   A.Ubelis. Teaching physics and sustainability. Invited participant in the conference:Learning to change our world – international consultation on Education for Sustainable Development , Göteborg, Sweden, 4–7 May 2004. 

64.   A.Ubelis. Strategy of EU in the development of human resources and capacity of growth of RTD community in Latvia. BIHE 6th Annual International Conference. “Knowledge Society and implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia  14-15 October, 2004.

65.   A.Ubelis, EU conference, “Brain Gain – the Instruments”, The Hague, 29-30  September 2004.


66.   E. Smalins, U. Gross, J. Jansons, A. Ubelis, Atomic Spectra from RF Electrodeless Discharge Sources for UV and VUV Spectrometry and Analytical Measurements.Measurement, 5th International Conference,   May 15 - 19, 2005   Smolenice Castle, Slovakia

67.   Arnolds Ubelis. Atmospheric Composition Change  a Network of Excellence.  ACCENT Symposium, Sept. 2005. Urbino, Italy.

68.   M.Auzinsh, R. Ferber, J. Spigulis, A. Ubelis. EC project “Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy – Centre of excellence for basic research in nanoscale physics and applications”. Proceedings of the First Latvian Conference “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies”, Riga, 2005, pp. 7-12,

69.     Arnolds Ubelis. Teaching Physics and Sustainability. Experience of the project: Physics and technologies for Sustainable Development (Years 1997-2005). World Conference on Physics and Sustainable Development, Urban, South Africa, October 29.-November 1, 2005

70.   Arnolds Ubelis, „Teaching Physics and Sustainability ”4th World Environment Education Congress in Durban, July 1-8.2007.

71.   Arnolds Ubelis, 4th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference EU Climate Change Policy after Bali: Policy - Finance – Investment.  26th & 27th February 2008 / Management Centre Europe, Brussels

72.    G. Bajars, A. Lusis, A. Ubelis. Integration of Ecodesign Course in Design Studies at the University of Latvia . Presentation and article to proceedings of  the conference „Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, EESD-2008” Gratz, 22.-24.09.2008.
Publicistiski un populārzinātniski raksti un intervijas


1.       Atis Skudra, Arnolds Ūbelis. Lāzeru ēnā. Augstfrekvences bezelektrodu izlades lampas. Zinātne un Tehnika. 1981./1. (latviski un krieviski).

2.       Ūbelis, Arnolds Pašpārvaldes Rīgā: problēmas un risinājumi // Diena - 1991. - 7.nov.

3.       A.Ūbelis. Piesāņotas atmosfēras spektroskopija un fotoķīmija. Zinātnes vēstnesis. 1991.No 13.

4.       Arnolds Ūbelis. Latgales priekšpilsētas Tautas Deputātu padomes vadītājs. Par koalīcijām, mīlestību pret tautu un korupciju. Rīgas Balss, 1993.gada 17.februāris

5.       Ūbelis, Arnolds Labosim kļūdas Rīgas apbūvē!: par vienveida lodžiju iestiklošanas projekta realizācijas nepieciešamību] // Diena - 1993. - 7.jūl. 4.lpp.

6.       Ūbelis, Arnolds Patriotisms sākas ar atkritumu šķirošanu: par atkritumu un notekūdeņu jaut. Risinājumu Stūrstrēmes apgabalā un Orhūsas pils. Dānijā // Diena – 1993. – 29.jūl. 6.lpp.

7.       Arnolds Ūbelis, Rīgas Domnieks. Dr.Phys.,vad.pētn. LU. Ierēdņu Jaungada dāvana jeb Jaunā cena par apkuri.  Diena.1994.gada 4.janvāris.

8.       Ūbelis, Arnolds. Uz demokrātiju vai atpakaļ uz bezcerību :
Diskus. par pašvaldībām turpinās // Diena - 1994. - 1. febr.

9.       Arnolds Ūbelis, Dr.Phys.,vad.pētn. LU. Purgaiļa kungs, rīdzinieki ir tiesīgi zināt visu patiesību!. Diena.1994.gada 19.augusts.

10.   Arnolds Ūbelis, Dr.Phys.,vad.pētn. LU. 20 santīmi izglāba no parādiem. Diena.1994.gada 20.septembris.

11.   Ūbelis, Arnolds. Kamdēļ "Saimniekam" bija vajadzīga Demokrātiskā partija :
[Par demokr. part. "Saimnieks" izveidošanos] // Diena - 1995. - 19.sept.

12.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis, Dr.Phys.Atis Kapenieks..Nākotne: Izglītota tauta, vai Eiropas ielu slaucītāji. Neatkarīgā Cīņa. Pielikums Literatūra un Māksla. 1995.gads. 25.maijs.

13.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Nepazemosim demokrātiju Krievijā ar atteikšanos no Abrenes novada. Vispārzināms, ka, salīdzinot ar šā gadsimta sākumu vai pirmo pusi, starptautiskā kārtība pasaulē ir krasi mainījusies. Starptautiskā lēmumu pieņemšanas procesā pašreiz dominē princips, ka valstis neatkarīgi no to lieluma ir vienlīdzīgi sarunu partneri. Diena, 03.02.1997

14.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Esam sagaidījuši — stingrā roka ir klāt!
Beidzot Latvijā sāk realizēties to cilvēku sapnis, kuri prasa pēc stingras rokas.
Diena, 16.06.1997

15.    Arnolds Ūbelis, Ģirts Rožkalns. Zalās studijas smadzeņu treniņam.  Vide un Laiks, 22 lpp.  1998/0,.

16.   Arnolds Ūbelis.   Zalās akademiskās studijas smadzeņu treniņam.  Vide un Laiks, 22 lpp.  1998/0,.

17.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Nepiesārņota atmosfēra virs Eiropas. Vide un Laiks 1998/2.

18.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis.Ilglaicīgo nacionālo interešu nodevība. Ir vajadzīga intelektuāla sacelšanās.Diena 7.08.1998.

19.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Latvijas zinātnieki Eiropas Savienībā. Latvijas zinātnei un zinātniekiem ir dotas radikāli jaunas un līdztiesīgas iespējas dalībai milzīgā ES zinātnes un tehnoloģiju attīstības programmā. Diena. 16.03.1999.

20.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Latvijas zinātnieki ir uzņemti Eiropas Savienībā!!! Zinātnes Vēstnesis.  1999. gada  12. aprīlis: 07 (173).

21.   Dr.Phys Arnolds Ūbelis. Latvijas zinātne godam izturējusi ES izaicinājumu. Intervija Mārai Gruntei. Izglītība un kultūra 11.11.1999.

22.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Padomāsim par stratēģiju. Zinātnes vēstnesis, 4(191), 2000.gada 21.februāris.

23.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Latvija var cerēt tikai uz primitīvām investīcijām. Dienas Bizness 8.03.2000.

24.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Latvijas vieta vienotā zinātnes un pētniecības telpā Eiropā. Eiropas savienibā zinātnei labvēlīgi procesi. Dienas Bizness 29.08.2000.

25.     Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Čakli un godprātīgi studēt nupat būs ļoti izdevīgi. Universitātes Avīze. 6.02.2001.

26.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Čakli un godprātīgi studēt nupat būs ļoti izdevīgi. Logs, Latvijas pašvaldību savienība, 2(70), Februāris 2001.

27.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Intervija  Universitātes Avīzē. 6.02.2001. OLNA vēlas piedalīties Līvānu novada attīstībā.

28.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis Čakli un godprātīgi mācīties un studēt būs ļoti izdevīgi. Jaunā avīze. 2001.gada.2001.maijs.

29.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Līdzdalība ES ietvara programmās –  iespējas jaunas zinātnieku paaudzes izaugsmei Latvijā . Zinātnes Vēstnesis. 2001. gada  10. septembris: 14 (222)       

30.   Intervijas materiāls Lienai Pilsētniecei. Par augstskolu “prāta vētru” Latvijā Publicēts: Latvijas Vēstnesī   27.11.2001  Nr. 171 (2558)    rubrika: Problēmas

31.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Negaidiet nopietnas investīcijas muļķu zem’e. Dienas Bizness 15.06.2001.

32.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Case history: Latvia – 30 months of successful participation in FP5.   CORDIS focus, December 2001., Nr 17.

33.   .A.Ūbelis. Daugava līdzsvarotas attīstības kontekstā. Par tīru Daugavu. 2001.g.11.decembra conferences materiāli. 45-49.lpp. 2002.g. 

34.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Mēs esam ļoti bagāti. Intervija  žurnālam Enerģija un pasaule Nr. 5(16) 2002.

35.   Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis.  Zinātne un universitātes - lieka greznība vai pamats nācijas labklājībai nākotnē Garām palaistas izdevības pagātnē, bet aizvien vēl labas perspektīvas nākotnē. A.Ubelis. Science and Universities – Luxury or Foundations to Nations Future Well-being. In Latvian. In a book Trajectories of Socioeconomic Process in Latvia 1985-2002. p.307- 318. Ventspils University Colleague, 2002.

36.   Dr. phys. Arnolds Ūbelis.. Pie ES 6.Ietvara programmas sliekšņa. Intervija. Zaiga Kipere. Zinātnes vēstnesis 2002.gada 23 septembris.

37.   Dr. phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Latvijas zinātne un universitātes ir nacionālās labklājības garants zināšanās balstītā tautsaimniecībā  Eiropā. Latvijas zinātnieki  ir apliecinājuši savu varēšanu!  Raksts “‘Diena” 24.02.2003.

38.   Dr. phys. Arnolds Ūbelis, ES Latvijas nacionālās kontaktpunktu sistēmas koordinators, —  Intervija “Latvijas Vēstnesim” Galvenais atbalsts mums, Latvijas zinātnei, nāk no Eiropas. 16.05.2003. (Eiropas Vēstis Nr.14.)

39.   Intervija: Ingrīda Drazdovska. High tech firmām ir cerības. Dienas  Bizness 14.07.2003.

40.    Intervija: Ingrīda Drazdovska. Ieguldījumi zinātnē ir ES konkurētspējas garants. Dienas  Bizness 14.07.2003.

41.   Intervija: Ingrīda Drazdovska. JRC palīdz integrēt kandidātvalstu zinātni ES. Dienas  Bizness 14.07.2003.

42.    Dr. phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Intervija -  dzīves stāsts. Voldemārs Hermanis. Neatkarīgā Rīta avīze. 2003. 30.augusts. Pielikums “Mēs”. 

43.    Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Intervija – Rita Zālīte-Kušķe. Latvijas zinātnieki sekmīgi cīnās par Eiropas finansējumu. Izglītība un Kultūra, Nr. 2 (2873) 2004.g.15.janvāris 

44.    Dr.Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis. Tālredzība, ieskats nākotnē, inteliģents lēmumu pieņemšanas process tas ir “foresight”. Izglītība un Kultūra, Nr. 3 (2874) 2004.g.22.janvāris 
