Dr.Arnolds Ubelis
Vice chair of SLOB.

Dr. Arnolds Ubelis has broad  research and  public administration  experience. His research and teaching areas at the University of Latvia: atomic physics,  atmospheric photochemistry, climate change and technologies for sustainable development, sustainable municipal development.  
Dr. Arnolds Ubelis has broad  research and  public administration  experience. His research and teaching areas at the University of Latvia: atomic physics,  atmospheric photochemistry, climate change and technologies for sustainable development, sustainable municipal development. He has experience of being elected deputy of Riga council for 4 years and  worked as a chairrmen of the Latgale suburb of Riga City. Dr.A.Ubelis has worked as RTD and  sustainable regional development  expert-advisor for the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Ministry of Environment and Regional Development of Latvia.  He was invited to participate as expert in the Harvard Institute for International Development,  Massachusetts  (HIID), USA project  "Central and Eastern Europe  Environment Economics and Policy" and World Bank project  WBTF O28205-LV “Development of New Emission Standards for Sources of Air Pollution” dealing with the adjustment of EU environment legislation in Latvia.
Dr.A.Ubelis has worked episodically as RTD expert-advisor for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia on various RTD and Innovation issues. He has serious project management experience  and was/is principal investigator or coordinator of several FP5&6&7 projects. He and his research team at the University of Latvia (Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy) now are partners of FP6 Network of Excellence ACCENT -  Atmospheric Composition Change: an European network, Proposal/Contract no.: 505337. He was Chairmen of local organizing Board of the: 2nd International Conference on Integrative approaches towards sustainability" (Baltic Sea Region sharing knowledge internally, across Europe, and worldwide)  Latvia, Jurmala May 11-14.2005 and coordinator of relevant EU FP6 project  contract Nr. 009244    SHARING.
Dr.A.Ubelis has worked as national expert for 3 month at DG RESEARCH of EU Commission, is expert evaluator for FP7 projects and is nominated as national delegate to the programme committees for FP 7.