Alexander Belov

assistant professor, researcher
Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia

About Me Papers


I was born in the Republic of Latvia (at the time, the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic). However, I am Russian, and it causes some confusion with respect to transcription of my name. Depending on the context, I might use three different transcriptions of my name:
Александр Белов  This is the original Russian transcription
Alexander Belov This is standard English transcription. I prefer using it in English communication.
Aleksandrs Belovs This is Latvian transcription. It is my official name (the name in my passport). I also use it for my papers.

Research Interests

My main area of research is in quantum algorithms: upper and lower bounds on quantum complexity of various problems, applications of the adversary method and discrete quantum walks.
I am also interested in various aspect of theoretical computer science with emphasis on models of computation, query complexity, lower bounds, and related mathematical techniques.

Contact Information

Email:  stiboh (a mollusk with a single spiral shell) gmail (a small roundish object) com


I am currently the principial researcher of the ERDF project number entitled Quantum walks for large speed-ups, and general limitations of quantum algorithms.


2009–2014:  PhD in Computer Science, University of Latvia, supervisor: Andris Ambainis
2008: Master of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, supervisor: Ashwin Nayak
2006–2009: Master of Computer Science, University of Latvia, with distinction
2002–2006: BSc in Computer Science, University of Latvia, with distinction

Work Experience

2016–present: Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
assistant professor
2013–present: Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
2015–2016:  Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Netherlands
2014:  Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
postdoctoral associate
2012–2013: Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia
acting researcher
2005–2011: whiteCryption, Latvia
software developer, researcher in the field of cryptography
2008: Department of Combinatorics and Optimization (C&O), University of Waterloo, Canada
research and teaching assistant

Prolonged Scientific Visits

Jan–Feb 2016:  Centre for Quantum Technologies(CQT), National University of Singapore (NUS)
March–May 2015:  Centre for Quantum Technologies(CQT), National University of Singapore (NUS)
Jan–Feb 2013:  Centre for Quantum Technologies(CQT), National University of Singapore (NUS)
Sep–Dec 2011:  Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo, Canada
Sep–Dec 2010:  Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Netherlands


  • Program committee member: QIP 2015, TQC 2018
  • I have reviewed a large number of papers submitted to
    • conferences: STOC, FOCS, SODA, CCC, ICALP, ESA, QIP, SOFSEM, and others.
    • journals: Algorithmica, Theory of Computing, Physical Review A, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, SIAM Journal on Computing, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Information Processing, and others.
  • I am actively involved in the organization of mathematical Olympiads in Latvia via Aivars Liepa’s Extramural Mathematics School.
    • From 2009 to 2013, I was preparing best high school students for international olympiads in mathematics.
      I was teaching Number Theory and Combinatorics.
    • In 2013, I was the leader of the team of Latvia at the 54th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Santa Marta, Colombia.
    • In 2013, I was a coordinator at the Baltic Way mathematical team competition in Riga, Latvia.


Spring 2017:  Mathematical Foundations of Cryptography, graduate, University of Latvia
Fall 2016, 2017:  Computational Complexity, undergraduate, University of Latvia
Fall 2016:  Quantum Computers, graduate, University of Latvia

Selected Awards

IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2014:  Best student paper award
IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2013:  Best student paper award
International Olympiad in Informatics 2002, Korea:Gold Medal
International Mathematical Olympiad 2002, UK:Silver Medal
International Mathematical Olympiad 2001, USA:Bronze Medal

Last Updated

13 Feb 2018