Janis Cepitis




Scientific publications (since 2000)

1. A. Buiķis, J. Cepītis, H. Kalis, A. Reinfelds; A. Ancītis, A. Salmiņš, Mathematical model of papermaking, In: M.Sapagovas (ed), Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control, 6, 1, (2001), pp. 9-19.
2. A. Buikis, J. Cepītis, A. Reinfelds, Porous medium models for wood and paper production, ECMI Newsletter 29 (March 2001), pp. 10-12.
3. J. Cepītis, A. Reinfelds, Wood drying equation in the phase plane, In: Selected papers of 3rd Nordic – Baltic Agrometrics Teaching Conference, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 – 26, 2001, pp. 90-93.
4. J. Cepītis, Matemātikas studiju programmu attīstības perspektīvas Latvijas Universitātē, 3.starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Matemātikas mācīšana – vēsture un perspektīvas”, Liepājā 2001.gada 7.-8.decembris, materiālu krājums, Liepājas Pedagoģijas akadēmija, Liepājā, 2002, 27.-33.lpp.
5. A. Buiķis, J. Cepītis, H. Kalis, A. Reinfelds, Non-isothermal mathematical model of wood and paper drying, in A.M.Anile, V.Capasso, A.Greco (eds) Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI-2000, Springer, 2002, pp. 488-492.
6. J. Cepītis, Alūksnes novada matemātikas zinātnieki, Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci.. Sect. A, 56, 2/3 (2002), 106.-110. lpp.
7. A. Buiķis, J. Cepītis, A. Reinfelds, ECMI – 2002, ECMI Newsletter, 32, October 2002, pp.21-22.
8. A. Buiķis, J. Cepītis, H. Kalis, A. Reinfelds, I. Akerfelds, Mathematical model of sawn timber drying, Proc. Latv. Ac. Sci. Sect. B., 57 (2003), pp.128-132.
9. J. Cepītis, Phase plane analysis of web drying, In: A.Buikis, R.Ciegis, A.D.Fitt (eds), Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI-2002, Springer, 2003, pp. 103-107
10. J. Cepītis, Phase plane analysis of wood drying, In: U.Olsson, J.Sikk (eds), Proceedings of 4th Nordic Baltic Agrometrics Conference, Upssala, Sweden, June 15-17, 2003, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, 2004, pp.37-42.
11. J. Cepītis, H. Kalis and A. Reinfelds, Comparison of numerical methods for the problem arising in the gyrotron theory. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. 10, (2005), no. 1, 19-30.
12. J. Cepītis, Mathematical modelling of biochemical reactions for certain agriculture production processing. In: U.Olsson, J.Sikk (eds), Proceedings of 5th Nordic-Baltic Agrometrics Conference, Jume 15-17, 2005, Otepaa, Estonia, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, 2006, pp. 35-40
13. J. Cepītis, O. Dumbrajs, H. Kalis and A. Reinfelds, Numerical simulation of the problem arising in the gyrotron theory. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004, Bucchianico A., Mattheij R., Peletier M. (eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2006, pp.124-128.
14. J.Cepītis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds, Numerical analysis of the stationary boundary value problem for modelling of gyrotron, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. 12, (2007), no. 1, (in print, 14 p).

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