
Home Page of Guntis Arnicans

Faculty of Computing

University of Latvia

19 Raina Blvd. - 445, Riga

LV 1586, Latvia

Phone: +371 67034475


2011    University of Latvia, honorary degree Professor

2007    University of Latvia, honorary degree Associate Professor

2005    University of Latvia, honorary degree Docent

2004    University of Latvia,

1994    University of Latvia,

1993    University of Latvia, high school education, qualification Mathematician

Professional experence

since 1991       University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing (former till 2009 Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Computing Department)

            since 2011 professor 

            since 2010 director of bachelor program

            since 2006 head of the Chair of Programming

            2007-2011 associate professor           

2005-2007 docent

1995-2005 lecturer

1993-1995 assistant

1991-1993 laboratory assistant

Most important courses:      

Data structures and algorithms

Sotware testing

Analysis and optimization of algorithms

Software engineering       

Supervisor of more then 100 students’ thesis for Bachelor and Master degree since 2001 (no exact data available for period 1993-2000)

            Scientific publications internationally reviewed: 15, other international: 4

1994 - 2008     AAS Balta (insurance company)

            2006 - 2008 IT Project Manager

Tariff system for insurance products, maintenance of legacy systems

            1998 - 2006 Manager of Information Systems Development Department

System development and customization, maintenance of legacy systems, migration to new insurance information system, data migration, data analysis

            1994 - 1998 Manager of Information Systems Department & Manager of IT Department

Developing IT in AAS Balta from “zero” (software, hardware, people, procedures), developer of the most of the information systems

2004 - 2006     Ventspils University College

Associate professor, the main course: Theory of Algorithms

1991 - 1994     Software House Riga (software development company)

Programmer, system analyst

Memory management system for interpreter integrated in the graphical CASE tool “GRADE DOS”

Complete refactoring of graphical business modelling tool “Mosaik” (Siemens)

Scientific projects

since 2009       ESF project Datorzinātnes pielietojumi un tās saiknes ar kvantu fiziku, manager of activity Model based architecture

2006 - 2008     ERAF project (ESS 2006/29), Jaunu tehnoloģiju izstrāde informācijas sistēmu izveidei un integrācijai, manager of activity

2005 - 2007     ESF project (ESS 2005/11), Datorzinātņu studiju programmu modernizēšana Latvijas Universitātē, manager of module

Profesional activities                                                                

since 1997       Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

since 1999       Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Computer Society

since 2007       The Board Member of the Latvian Software Testing Qualification Board (LSTQB) affiliated by the International Software Qualification Board (ISTQB)

since 2003       Member of program committee of conference “Testing Theory and Practice”, Riga

since 1996       Main coach of students’ teams of Latvia for all international student collegiate programming contests;

since 2002       the main contest organizer in Latvia and Baltic States

Ninth Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DBIS), 2010, Riga, Co-Chair of organization committee

Business Analysis - 1st International Conference in Riga, 2010, member of program committee


Official personal data (University of Latvia, in latvian)