n Since
September 2011: DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
visiting Associate Professor of Law at the University of Latvia, Riga
(European law, WTO-law, German law) n September
2009 to August 2011: DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Associate
Professor (Dotsent) of Law at the University of Tartu,
Estonia (European law, WTO-law, German law) n September
2006 to August 2011: DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Lecturer
of Law at the University of Tartu, Estonia (European law, WTO-law,
German law) n June
2005 to August 2006 Lawyer at Martens & Vogler,
law firm, Hamburg, Germany (part time) n
December 2004 to Juli 2006 Editor and Author, „Chinesisches
Wirtschaftsrecht“, Nomos n June
2002 – October 2004 Referendariat at the Hanseatic
High Court of Appeal in Hamburg and at the European
Commission, DG
Internal Market (E1-Services), the United Nations - Economic and Social Commission
for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP),
Trade Efficiency and Facilitation Section (Regional Trade Agreements and WTO Law),
Bangkok, Thailand n October
– December 2000 Internship at the Embassy
of the Federal Republic of Germany, San José, Costa Rica |
Education |
2004 – 2007: PhD Dissertation at the Centre of European Law and
Politics (ZERP), Bremen
University on Non-State Actors in International Trade Disputes in the WTO and
Bilateral Trade Agreements. n 2002
– 2004 Hanseatic High Court of Appeal, Bar
exam (Zweites Juristisches
Staatsexamen) n 2001
– 2002 Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain: Master’s Degree in European Studies and Human Rights
(M.E.S.) n 1997
– 2000 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Freiburg, Germany: Law – First State Exam n
1996 – 1997 Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg, France, law n
1995 – 1996 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, law |