managed or supervised since 1995
1. “Whole-body dermoscopic imaging in the visible and infrared spectral ranges”, University of Latvia grant #LU-BA-PA-2024/1-0006, 2024-2026.
2. “Multimodal spectral imaging and machine learning methods for bio-optical characterization of in vivo human skin”, LV-FR collaboration programme OSMOZE project # LV-FR/2024/1, 2024-2025.
3. “Development of A3B5-Bi nanostructure based double-wavelength microlaser technology for NIR sensing applications”, LV-LT-TW collaboration project # LV-LT-TW/2024/10, 2023-2025.
4. “RGB laser-fiber device for endoscopic spectral imaging diagnostics”, sub-project (U2.4) of the Innovation project # VPP-EM-FOTONIKA-2022/1-0001, 2022-2024.
5. “Dermatology system for whole body spectral imaging under fiberoptic illumination”, sub-project (U2.5) of the Innovation project # VPP-EM-FOTONIKA-2022/1-0001, 2022-2024.
6. “Color analysis of endoscopic images for objective diagnostics of nasal mucosa diseases”, Latvian University Fund project # 2282, 2022-2023.
7. “Spectral imaging for leprosy diagnostics”, project funded by The Leprosy Mission International (UK), 2021-2023.
8. “Multimodal imaging technology for in-vivo diagnostics of skin malformations”, ERDF project #, 2019-2022.
9. “Advanced spectral imaging technology for skin diagnostics”, Latvian Science Council project # lzp-2018/2-0006, 2018-2020.
10. „Biophotonics: imaging, diagnostics and monitoring” – project #3 of Latvian national research programme „SOPHIS” #10-4/VPP-4/11, 2014-2017.
11. „Innovative technologies for diagnostic imaging of skin” – ERDF project #2111/3-015, 2014-2015.
12. „Biophotonic technologies for tissue repair (BI-TRE)” – EC FP7 ERA-NET BiophotonicsPlus project, 2014-2017.
13. “New optical technologies for complex non-contact skin diagnostics” – ERDF project #2111-030, 2010-2013.
14. “Biophotonics research group”, ESF project #1112-077, 2009-2012.
15. „Combination of electroporation and sonoporation for efficient drug delivery into cells and tissues for tumor treatment”, LV-LT-TW collaboration project, 2011-2013.
16. „Imaging of skin autofluorescence photobleaching rates”, FP7 Laserlab Europe, JRA4 OPTBIO, 2009-2011; JRA BIOPTHICAL, 2012-2015.
17. “New methods and technologies for production and application of optical fibres”, ERDF project #251-023, 2006-2008.
18. ”Information technologies for optical cardio-vascular monitoring”, ERDF project # 251-022, 2006-2008.
19. “Development of a new method for non-invasive determination of the capillary refill rate”, LSC project #08.2150, 2008.
20. “Methods and devices for optical cardio-vascular monitoring”, University of Latvia research project, 2004 - 2008.
21. “Perspective biomaterials and medical technologies”, Latvian state research project, 2005-2008.
22. “Optical methods for “in vivo” control of bio-processes”, LSC Grant # 04.283, 2004 – 2007.
23. “CLEAR – Clinical Research Physician”, EC LEONARDO DA VINCI project # 2003-A/03/B/F/PP-158.023, 2003 – 2006.
24. “Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy – Centre of Excellence for Basic Research in Nanoscale Physics and Applications”, EC FP5 # G1MA-CT-2002-04063, 2003-2005 (activity leader).
25. “Development of optical methods for functional diagnostics”, Scientific Exchange Program between Latvia and USA (Columbia University), 2004.
26. “Optoelectronic equipment and methodology for cardio-vascular monitoring during the training process”, LMES Grant # TOP 02-13, 2002 - 2003.
27. „AOMD-3” – EC FP5 Project # ICA1- 2001- 60041, 2002.
28. “Biomedical Physics in vocational training at different levels: targeting distance education”, EC LEONARDO DA VINCI project # LT/00/B/F/PP-137.024, 2001-2002.
29. ”Optical methods and devices for non-invasive blood flow control", LSC Grant # 01.0067, 2001-2003.
30. “Studies of ALA-based laser photodynamic therapy”, EC Programme “Improving Human Potential – Access to Research Infrastructures”, project # HPRI-CT-1999-00041, Lund Laser Centre, 2001.
31. “Lasers and Bio-optics in medicine”, VISBY project, Lund University Medical Laser Centre, 2001.
32. “TRAIN-NET”, EC FP5 Project # QLAM- 20000 – 00212, 2001.
33. "Fibre-optical methods for implant-tissue bio-compatibility studies", LSC Grant # 01.0215, 2001-2003.
34. "Complex study of the side-emitting optical fibres and lightguide instruments", LSC Grant # BO 883, 1997 – 2000.
35. „Go-go (Progress)”, EC FP5 Project # ICA1- 2000-50009, 2000.
36. "Baltic Biomedical Engineering and Physics courses", EC TEMPUS-PHARE JEP # 12402-97, 1998–1999.
37. “BaltNet”, EC FP5 Project # ICA1-1999-50003, 1999.
38. "Development of MSc study course on Biomedical Optics", EC TEMPUS-PHARE IMG # 95-LV-2007, 1996.
39. "Study and optimisation of parameters of the side-emitting optical fibres", LMES project # TPP 95-61, 1995-1996.
40. "Optical fibre medical instruments and sensor devices", LSC Grant # BO 673/755, 1994-1996.
41. “Potential of fibre optic sensors for medical monitoring”, Royal Society London & King’s College London, 1995.