1.     Спигулис Я.А., Арман М.Г. Импульсные лампы ртути и кадмия и возбуждение смеси Hg-Cd. - В кн: Сенсибилизированная флуоресценция смесей паров металлов, вып. 4, Рига, ЛГУ, 1973, с. 83-88. (Pulsed Mercury and Cadmium lamps, and excitation of the Hg-Cd mixture – UL press, Riga).

2.     Спигулис Я.А., Озолиньш Д.А., Янсон М.Л. О кинетике сенсмбилизированной флуоресценции смеси паров ртути и кадмия. - В кн: Сенсибилизированная флуоресценция смесей паров металлов, вып. 5, Рига, ЛГУ, 1975, с. 35 - 45. (On kinetics of sensitised fluorescence of the Mercury and Cadmium vapour mixture – UL press, Riga).

3.     Краулиня Э.К., Карташева Л.И., Брюховецкий А.П., Спигулис Я.А. Вопросы передачи энергии при столкновении атомов кадмия и цезия. - Тезисы докл. 6 Всес. конф. по физике электронных и атомных столкновений, Тбилиси, 1975, c. 208. (On the energy transfer in collisions of Cadmium and Ceasium atoms – Abstr. 6th USSR Conf. Phys. Electr. Atom. Collis., Tbilisi)

4.     Спигулис Я.А., Карташева Л.И. Имульсные исследования сенсибилизированной флуоресценции смесей Cd-Cs и Cd-Cs-N2. - В кн: Сенсибилизированная флуоресценция смесей паров металлов, вып. 6, Рига, ЛГУ, 1977, с. 24 - 32. (Pulsed studies of sensitised fluorescence of the Cd-Cs and Cd-Cs-N2 mixtures – UL press, Riga).

5.     Спигулис Я.А., Озолиньш Д.А., Корн Д. Э. Пленение резонансного излучения ртути при импульсном возбуждении флуоресценции. - В кн: Сенсибилизированная флуоресценция смесей паров металлов, вып. 6, Рига, ЛГУ, 1977, с. 51 - 55. (Quenching of the Mercury resonance radiation at pulsed excitation of fluorescence – UL press, Riga).

6.     Спигулис Я.A. Импульсные источники для возбуждения атомной флуоресценции. - В кн.: Импульсная фотометрия, вып. 5, Л., "Машиностроение", 1978, c. 164 - 168. (Pulsed sources for excitation of the atomic fluorescence - "Flash Photometry", v. 5, Leningrad).

7.     Спигулис Я.A. Кинетичкские исследования передачи возбуждения в смесях Hg-Na-N2 и Cd-K-N2. - Тезисы докл. 7 Всес. конф. по физике электронных и атомных столкновений, Петрозаводск, 1978, ч. 2, c. 93. (Kinetic studies of excitation transfer in the Hg-Na-N2 and Cd-K-Nmixtures – Abstr. 7th USSR Conf. Phys. Electr. Atom. Collis., Petrozavodsk).

8.     Спигулис Я.A. Кинетические исследования передачи энергии от метастабильных атомов ртути 63Р0 атомам натрия в смеси Hg-Na-N2. - Изв. АН Латв. ССР, сер. физ. и техн. наук, 1978, No 6, с. 3-11. (Kinetic studies of energy transfer from metastable Mercury 63Р0 atoms to Sodium atoms in the Hg-Na-N2 mixture – J. Acad. Sci. Latv. SSR, ser. Phys. Techn. Sci., Riga; abstract in English).

9.     Spigulis J.A., Bulishev A.E., Malkin G.V. Kinetic studies of excitation transfer in the Cd-K and Cd-K-N2 mixtures. - Abstr. 6th Int. Conf. on Atomic Physics, Riga, 1978, p. 294 - 295.

10. Спигулис Я.A. О кинетике заселения высоких уровней щелочных атомов в условиях сенсибилизированной флуоресценции.- В кн: Сенсибилизированная флуоресценция смесей паров металлов, вып. 7, Рига, ЛГУ, 1979, с. 29 - 36. (On population kinetics of the high-lying levels of alkali atoms at the sensitised fluorescence conditions – UL press, Riga)

11. Булышев А.Е., Малкин В.Г., Преображенский Н.Г., Спигулис Я.А. Исследование кинетики передачи возбуждения в смесях паров металлов и молекулярных газов. - Опт. и спектр., Л., 1979, т. 46, вып. 6, с. 1130 - 1134. Translated: A.Bulishev, V.Malkin, N.Preobrazhensky, J.Spigulis. Kinetics of excitation transfer in mixtures of metal vapours and molecular gases. - Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1979, v.46, No. 6, p. 639.

12. Спигулис Я.А. Исследование сенсибилизированной флуоресценции смесей паров металлов при импульсном возбуждении. - Автореферат дисс. канд. физ-мат. наук, Рига, ЛГУ, 1979, 15 c. (Studies of sensitised fluorescence of metal vapour mixtures at pulsed excitation – PhD Thesis, UL, Riga).

13. Нартыш Я.И., Спигулис Я.A., Озолиньш Д.A. Термический режим безэлектродных импульсных источников света. - В кн.: "Импульсная фотометрия", вып.6, "Машиностроение", Л, 1979, c. 171 - 174. (Thermal conditions of pulsed electrodeless light sources – „Flash Photometry”, v. 6, Leningrad)

14. Спигулис Я.A. Устройсво импульсного питания высокочастотных безэлектродных ламп. - А. c. CCCP 902228, 1982. (A device for pulsed operation of high-frequency electrodeless lamps – USSR patent).

15. Спигулис Я.A. Использование высокочастотных безэлектродных ламп в качестве оптических термоинднкаторов.-  ПТЭ, M., 1983, No3, c. 209 - 211. Translated: J.Spigulis. Radio-frequency electrodeless tubes as optical temperature indicators. - PTE, Moscow (Instrum. & Experim. Techniques, Plenum Publishing Co., USA), 1983/3, p. 209.

16. Брюховецкий А.П., Спигулис Я.А., Орлов Р.В. Калибратор импульсного излучения с длиной волны 1.06 мкм. - "Измерительная техн.", M., 1983 , No 12, c. 26 - 27. (Calibrator of pulsed emission at the 1.06 micron wavelength – „The Measurement Techniques”, Moscow).

17. Спигулис Я.A., Oрлов Р.В., Брюховецкий А.П. Определение припороговых характеристик приемников импульсного ИК излучения. - В кн.: Импульсная фотометрия, вып.8, Л., "Машиностроение", 1984, c. 108 - 111. (Determination of the pre-threshold parameters for detectors of pulsed infrared radiation – „Flash Photometry”, vol. 8, Leningrad).

18. Брюховецкий А.П., Спигулис Я.A., Орлов Р.В. Калибратор импульсного излучения. - ПТЭ, М., 1983, No 1, c. 225 - 226. (Calibrator of pulsed radiation – PTE, Moscow (Instrum. & Experim. Techniques, Plenum Publishing Co.)

19. Спигулис Я.A., Брюховецкий А.П., Орлов Р.В. Излучатель калиброванных импульсов. - Инф. лист. НТД, Рига, ЛатНИИНТИ, 1983, No 83-123, 3 c(Emitter of pulsed radiation – Info-press, Riga)

20. Спигулис Я.А., Загребин С.Б., Самсон А.В. Масс-анализ ионов, образующихся при фотовозбуждении атомного пучка. - Труды межд. сем. "Фотопроцессы возбуждения и ионизации", Л., Лен.ГУ, 1984, c. 71 - 74. (Mass-analysis of ions created at atomic beam photo-excitation – Abstr. Int. Semin. „Photo-processes of excitation and ionisation”, Leningrad).

21. Спигулис Я.А., Загребин С.Б. Масс-анализ ионов натрия, образующихся в атомном пучке при оптическом возбуждении. - Тезисы докл. 9 Всес. конф. по физике электронных и атомных столкновений, Рига, 1984, ч. 2, c. 123. (Mass-analysis of Sodium atoms in optically excited atomic beam.- Abstr. 8-th USSR Conf. Phys. Electr. AtomCollisRiga).

22. Спигулис Я.А. Масс-спектрометрическое исследование ионов в пучковом эксперименте. - В кн.: Процессы переноса энергии в парах металлов, Рига, ЛГУ, 1985, c. 58 - 66. (Mass-spectrometric ion studies in the beam experiment – UL press, Riga)

23. Cпигулис Я.A., Пфафродс Д.O. Способ обнаружения дефектов оптического волокна.- A.c. СССР 1589830, 1986. (A method of optical fibre fault detection – USSR patent)

24. Брюховецкий А.П., Спигулис Я.A., Орлов Р.В. Излучатель калиброванных импульсoв. - В кн.: Приборы для научных исследований, Рига, "Зинатне", 1986, c. 32-34. (Emitter of calibrated pulses – „Devices for Scientific Research”, Riga)

25. Спигулис Я.A. Cветонаправляющее устройство.- А.с. CCCР 1227909, 1986. (A light-directing device – USSR patent)

26. Спигулис Я.A. Коллиматор. - A.c. CCCP 1282057, 1987. (A collimator – USSR patent).

27. Брюховецкий А.П., Спигулис Я.A., Орлов Р.В. Иcследование фотоприемников для ИК области спектра при малых уровнях засветки. - В кн.: Столковительные и радиационные процессы с участием возбужденных частиц, Рига, ЛГУ, 1987, c. 147 - 156. (Studies of infrared photo-detectors at low level illumination – UL press, Riga)

28. J.Spīgulis. Optiskāšķiedras: metodiska izstrādne. - LVU, Rīga, 1987.g., 64 lpp. (Optical Fibres: a textbook. - University of Latvia, Riga)

29. Cпигулис Я.A., Риеба А.Я. Витолс М.М. Способ распознавания дефектов оптического волокна. - A.c. СССР 1635764, 1988. (A method of optical fibre fault identification – USSR patent)

30. Спигулис Я.А., Киреев А.B., Лаздиньш Ю.Л. Устройство спектрального уплотнения/разделения оптических каналов. - А.c. CCCР 1569768, 1988.(A device for spectral multiplexing/demultiplexing of optical channels – USSR patent)

31. Cпигулис Я.A., Риеба А.Я. Витолс М.М. Регисратор дефектов оптического волокна.- ПТЭ, 1989, No 6, c. 184. (Detector of the optical fibre faults - PTE, Moscow (Instrum. & Experim. Techniques, Plenum Publishing Co.)

32. J. Spigulis, M. Vitols, A. Rieba, A. Liepa. Plastic-clad silica optical fibre fault detection and analysis. - Abstr. 4-th Int. Conf. "Optics '89", Varna, Bulgaria, 1989, p. 125 - 126.

33. Cпигулис Я.A., Риеба А.Я. Витолс М.М. Устройство неразрушающего контроля дефектов оптического волокна.- Тезисы всес.конф."Оптические, радиоволновые  и тепловые методы неразрушающего контроля ", Могилев, 1989, ч.1, c. 231 - 232. (A device for non-destructive control of the optical fibre faults – Abstr. Conf. Non-destr. Contr., Mogilev, RU)

34. Спигулис Я.A. Волоконно-оптические датчики физических параметров: принципы построения и области применения.- В кн.: Методы и аппаратура для физических исследований, НИИ ФТТ, Рига, 1989, c. 3 - 19. (Fiberoptic sensors for physical parameter control  (a review) – UL press, Riga)

35. Спигулис Я.A., Лаздиньш Ю.Л. Многоканальный спектральный фильтр для разделения оптических каналов. - Тезисы конф."Перспективы развития широкополосных ВОСП", Минск, РТИ, 1989, c. 44 - 45. (Multi-channel spectral filter for demultiplexing of optical channels – Abstr. Conf. Opt. Commun., Minsk)

36. J. Spigulis. Compact  dieletric  collimators with 180acceptance angle.- Abstr. 4th Int. Conf. "Optics '89", Varna, Bulgaria, 1989, p. 125 - 126.

37. J. Lazdiņš, J. Spīgulis. Slīpi šķeltas optiskāšķiedras refraktometrs: modelis un eksperiments. - Latv. fiz. tehn. zin. žurn., 1992, No. 3, 47. - 51. lpp. (Slope-splitted optical fibre refractometer: model and experiment – Latv. J. Phys. Techn. Sci., Riga)

38. J. Spigulis, J. Lazdins, G. Barens. Fiberoptical pyrometric and refractometric intensity-ratio sensors. - ISFOC'93 Conference Proceedings, IGI (Boston), 1993, p 280 - 283.

39. J. Spigulis, J. Lazdins, D. Barens. Fiberoptical pyrometric and refractometric sensors. - Latv. Fiz. Biedr. Jūnija zin konf. refer. tёzes, Rīga, 1993, p. 28. (Abstr. Latv. Phys. Soc. Conf., Riga).

40. J. Spigulis. The SPIE Baltic Chapter in Riga. - Latv. Fiz. Biedr. Jūnija zin konf. refer. tёzes, Rīga, 1993, p. 2. (Abstr. Latv. Phys. Soc. Conf., Riga)

41. J. Spīgulis. Optoelektronikas metodes un ierīces eksperimentāliem pёtījumiem, tehnoloģiskai kontrolei un informācijas pārraidei. - Habilitācijas darba kopsavilkums, Rīga, LU, 1993, 53 lpp. (Optoelectronic methods and devices for experimental research, technology control and information transfer – Dr. Habil. Theses, UL, Riga)

42. J. Spigulis. Compact illuminators, collimators and focusers with half-spherical input aperture. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 2065 (Optical Tools for Manufacturing and Advanced  Automation, Boston, USA), 1994, p. 54–59.

43. J. Spigulis, J. Lazdins, G. Barens. Fiberoptical intensity-ratio refractometer with digital display. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 2068 (Optical Tools for Manufacturing and Advanced  Automation, Boston, USA), 1994, p. 308-312.

44. J. Spigulis. Compact dielectric reflective elements. 1. Half-sphere concentrators of radially emitted light. - Appl. Opt., 1994 , v. 33, No. 25, p. 5970 - 5974.

45. J. Spigulis, J. Lazdins. Compact dielectric reflective elements. 2. Multichannel filter of closely spaced spectral bands. - Appl. Opt., 1994 , v. 33, No. 28, p. 6638-6641.

46. J. Spigulis, D. Pfafrods, M. Stafeckis. Optical fiber diffusive tip designs for medical laser-lightguide delivery systems. -  SPIE Proc. Vol. 2328, 1994 ("Biomedical Optics Europe '94", Lille, France), p. 69-75.

47. J. Spigulis. Potential of fibre optic sensors for medical monitoring (Strategic Review). -  KCL Press, London, 1995, 52 p.

48. D. Pfafrods, M. Stafeckis, J. Spigulis, and D. Boucher. Side-emitting optical fibre, Patent No. LV 11644 B (Latvia), 1995.

49. J. Spigulis. Luminous fibre-optic cable and method of its manufacturing - Patent No. LV 12008 B (Latvia), 1996.

50. J. Spigulis, J. Lazdins, D. Pfafrods, M. Stafeckis. Side-emitting optical fibers for clinical applications. - Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 1996, v. 34, Suppl. 1, Pt. 1. p. 285-286.

51. J. Spigulis, D. Pfafrods, M. Stafeckis, W. Jelinska-Platace. The "glowing" optical fibre designs and parameters. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 2967 (Advanced Optical Materials and Devices, Riga), 1997, p. 226-231.

52. J. Spigulis, D. Pfafrods. Clinical potential of the side-glowing optical fibers. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 2977 (Biomedical Optics Symposium BIOS ’97, San Jose, USA), 1997, p. 84-87.

53. J. Spigulis. MSc course programme on Biomedical Optics. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 3190, 1997 (Education and Training in Optics, Delft, NL), p. 342-345.

54. A. Skudra, J. Spigulis, D. Pfafrods, M. Stafeckis. Medical laser radiation delivery via modified PCS optical fibers. - Digest of ”Modern Problems of Laser Physics”, Novosibirsk (Rus.), 1997 , p. PII25 - PII26.

55. U. Rubins, J. Spigulis. Optical heartbeat sensor. – Proc. 6th Balt. Electr. Conf. BEC ’98, TTU, Tallinn, 1998, p. 53-56.

56. J. Spigulis. Optical sensing of pressure and bending by side-glowing lightguides. - Proc. 6th Balt. Electr. Conf. BEC ’98, TTU, Tallinn, 1998, p. 269-270.

57. J. Spīgulis, U. Rubīns. Optiskie pulsa mērījumi. – LFB 4. zin. konf. mater., DPU, Daugavpils, 1998, 15. lpp. (Optical pulse measurements - Abstr. 4th Conf. Latv. Phys. Soc., Daugavpils).

58. J. Spigulis, U. Rubins. Photoplethysmographic sensor with smoothed output signals. - SPIE Proc. Vol, 3570 (Biomedical Optics Europe, Stockholm, SE), 1998, p. 195-199.

59. J. Spigulis. Master’s level education in Biomedical Optics: four-year experience at University of Latvia. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 3831 (Education and Training in Optics and Photonics, Cancun, MX), 1999, p. 189-192.

60. G. Venckus, J. Spigulis. Frequency filtering effects on the single-period photoplethysmography signals. - Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., v. 37, Suppl. 1, pp. 218-219, 1999.

61. M. Apine, J. Spigulis, P. A. Oberg,  Microcirculation in masseteric muscles at permanent muscular facial pain in krandiomandibular dysfunction, Med. Biol. Eng. & Comput., v. 37, 1999, p. 327.

62. Y. Dektyar, J. Spigulis, et al. Joint Baltic Biomedical Engineering and Physics courses. – Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 1999, v. 37, Suppl. 1, p. 144-145.

63. J. Spigulis, G. Venckus, M. Ozols. Optical sensing for early cardio-vascular diagnostics. – SPIE Proc. Vol. 3911 (Biomedical Optics Symposium BIOS ‘2000, San Jose, USA), 2000, p. 27-31.

64. J. Spigulis, A. Pfafrods. Pressure sensitivity of the side-glowing optical fibres. – SPIE Proc., Vol. 4318 (Smart Optical Inorganic Structures and Devices, ADOM-2, Vilnius, LT), 2001, p. 58-65.

65. I. Renkvica, J. Spīgulis. Pats lielākais magnēts. – TERRA, R.., Aprīlis 2001, 4 – 5 lpp. (The all-biggest magnet – „Terra” journal, Riga).

66. J. Spigulis. Evaluator’s experience: SME and Innovation programme. – Proc. Workshop „Baltic RTD Community in EC 5th Framework Programme”, Jurmala, 2001, p. 138-139.

67. J. Spigulis, R. Cimdins, L. Berzina. Potential of fibre-optical monitoring for implant biocompatibility studies. – Proc. Int. Conference „Biomedical Engineering”,Kaunas, 2001, p. 137-139.

68. M. Ozols, J. Spigulis. Acquisition of biosignals using the PC sound card. - Proc. Int. Conference „Biomedical Engineering”,Kaunas, 2001, p. 24-27.

69. M. Auzinsh, Y. Dekhtyar, J. Spigulis et al. Baltic MSc courses on medical physics and biomedical engineering. – Proc. Int. Conf. Medical Physics and Engineering in Health Care, Poznan (PL), 2001, p. 37. 

70. J. Spigulis. Teaching of laser-medical topics: Latvian experience. – SPIE Proc., Vol. 4903 (Laser Florence 2001: A Window on the Laser Medicine World, Florence, IT), 2002, p. 197-201.

71. J. Spigulis, I. Kukulis, E. Fridenberga, G. Venckus. Potential of advanced photoplethysmography sensing for non-invasive vascular diagnostics and early screening – SPIE Proc., Vol. 4625 (Biomedical Optics Symposium BIOS ’02, San Jose, USA), 2002, p. 48-53.

72. A. Derjabo, J. Kapostins, J. Spigulis et al. Photodynamic therapy of basal cell carcinoma with multi-fibre contact or surface illumination light delivery – first Latvian clinical experience. – Abstr. 9th Int. Conf. LALS 2002, Vilnius, 2002, p. 41.

73. J. Spigulis, M. Ozols, R. Erts, K. Prieditis. A portable device for optical assessment of the cardiovascular condition. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 5123 (Advanced Optical Devices and Medical Applications, Riga, LV), 2003, pp. 313-319.

74. M. Stagitis, J. Spigulis. Optical pressure sensor based on the side-emitting optical fibre. - SPIE Proc. Vol. 5123 (Advanced Optical Devices and Medical Applications, Riga, LV), 2003, pp. 33-38.

75. J. Spigulis, R. Erts, M. Ozols, K. Prieditis. Portable two-channel PPG device for cardio-vascular assessment. – Abstr. 3rd Europ. Symp. Biomed. Eng. Med. Phys., Patras (GR), 2002, p. 11.    

76. J. Spigulis, M. Ozols, R. Erts, K. Prieditis. A portable photoplethysmography device for cardio-vascular assessment. – Abstr. Int. Conf. Biomed. Eng. Microtechn., RTU, Riga, 2002, p. 15.

77. R. Erts, K. Prieditis, J. Spigulis. The studies of PPG bio-signal shapes, Abstr. 3rd Int. Conf. “Problems of Optics and High Technology Material Science”, T. Shevchenko KNU, Kyiv, 2002, p. 204.

78. J. Spigulis, R. Erts, U. Rubins. Micro-circulation of skin blood: optical monitoring by advanced photoplethysmography techniques. – SPIE Proc. Vol. 5119 (Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems, Maspalomas, ES), 2003, pp. 219-225.

79. J. Spigulis, R. Erts, V. Bernhards. Optics for fitness assessment: potential of two-channel photoplethysmography techniques. – Abstr. Int. Conf. “Northern Optics 2003”, Espoo, FI, 2003, p. 67.

80. J. Spigulis. The magic laser glowing fiber. – Abstr. Int. Conf. “Northern Optics 2003”, Espoo, FI, 2003, p. 140.

81. J. Spigulis, R. Erts, M. Ozols. A portable two-channel PPG cardiovascular sensor device. - SPIE Proc., Vol. 5138 (Photon Migration and Diffuse-Light Imaging, Munich, DE), 2003 pp. 65-71.

82. J. Spigulis, R. Erts, M. Ozols. A portable two-channel skin blood pulsation sensor. – Abstr. Int. Conf. ISOEN’03, Riga, 2003, pp. 167-168.

83. J. Spigulis, R. Erts, M. Ozols. Optical multi-channel monitoring of skin blood pulsations for cardiovascular assessment. – SPIE Proc., Vol. 5318 (Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems, BIOS’04, San Jose, USA), 2004, pp. 133-139.

84. M. Soto Thompson, T. Johansson, N. Bendsoe, A. Derjabo, J. Kapostinsh, S. Palsson, U. Stenram, S. Andesson-Engels, J. Spigulis, S. Svanberg, K. Svanberg. Photodynamic therapy of nodural Basal Cell Carcinoma with multi-fibre contact light delivery. – J. Envir. Path., Toxic. Onc., v. 25, 2006, p. 411-424.

85. J. Spigulis, R. Erts, I. Kukulis, M. Ozols, K. Prieditis. Optical multi-channel sensing of skin blood pulsations. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5459 (Optical Sensing, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, FR), 2004, pp. 46-53.

86. J. Spigulis. Optical non-invasive monitoring of skin blood pulsations. Proc. SPIE (Avdanced Optical Materials and Devices – 4, Tartu, EE), 2005, pp. 1R1-1R11.

87. R. Erts, I. Kukulis, J. Spigulis. Photonic vascular diagnostics by four-channel photoplethysmography. Proc. SPIE (Avdanced Optical Materials and Devices – 4, Tartu, EE), 2005, pp. 1L1-1L9.

88. R. Erts, J. Spigulis, I. Kukulis, M. Ozols. Multi-channel photoplethysmography biosensor. Abstr. 5th Int. Conf. “Biological Physics”, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2004, p. 63.

89. J. Spigulis. Optical non-invasive monitoring of skin blood pulsations. Appl. Opt., Vol. 44, No. 10, 2005, pp. 1850-1857.

90. M. Auzinsh, R. Ferber, J. Spigulis, A. Ubelis. EC project “Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy – Centre of excellence for basic eesearch in nanoscale physics and applications”. Proc. 1st Latv. Conf. “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies”, RTU, Riga, pp. 7-12, 2005.

91. J. Spigulis, L. Gailite, I. Kuzmina, A. Lihachev. Advanced fibre-optic spectrometry technique for skin reflectance and fluorescence diagnostics. Abstr. 13th Nordic-Baltic Conf. on Biomed. Eng. Med. Phys., Umea (SE), 2005. pp. 178-179.

92. I. Kuzmina, L. Gailite, A. Lihachev, J. Spigulis. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of skin pathologies. Abstr. 13th Nordic-Baltic Conf. on Biomed. Eng. Med. Phys, Umea (SE), 2005, pp. 184-185.

93. U. Rubins, J. Spigulis. Modelling of human arterial flow dynamics: Matlab simulations. Abstr. 13th Nordic-Baltic Conf. on Biomed. Eng. Med. Phys, Umea (SE), 2005, pp. 283-284.

94. R. Erts, I. Kukulis, J. Spigulis, L. Kere. Dual channel photoplethysmography studies of cardio-vascular response to the body position changes, Proc. SPIE v. 5859 (European Biomedical Optics Symposium EBIOS’05, Munich, DE), 2005, pp. 58591K-1 – K5.

95. R. Erts, J. Spigulis, I. Kukulis, M. Ozols. Bilateral photoplethysmography studies of the leg arterial stenosis. Physiol. Meas., v. 26, 2005, pp. 865-874.

96. R. Erts, J. Spigulis, M. Ozols. Optical systems for non-invasive cardiovascular biosensing. Proc. SPIE v. 5908 (Optical Information Systems, San Diego, CA), 2005, pp. 59080J-1 – J7.

97. J. Spigulis. Application prospects of silica core side-glowing optical fibers. Proc. SPIE v. 5952 (Optical Fibers II: Applications, Warsaw, PL), 2005, pp. 595203-1 – 595203-6.

98. A. Derjabo, J. Kāpostiņš, A. Ļihačovs, J. Spīgulis. Lāzera fotodinamiskā terapija – efektīvs ierocis cīņā ar ādas vēzi. Latvijas Ārsts, 9/2005, 20.-21. lpp.

99. J. Spigulis. Side-emitting optical fibers brighten our world in new ways. Optics and Photonics News, October 2005, pp. 34-39.

100.                 J. Spigulis, L. Gailite, A. Lihachev. Multi-spectral reflection photoplethysmography: potential for skin microcirculation assessment. Techn. Digest (CD), OSA 2006 Biomedical Optics conf., Fort Lauderdale, USA, 2006.

101.                 A. Lihachev, J. Spigulis. Skin autofluorescence: intensity fading at 405 nm and 532 nm laser excitation. Latv. J. Phys. Techn. Sci., 2006, No. 2(II), pp. 116-120.

102.                 R.Erts, J.Spigulis, M. Ozols and I. Kukulis. Optical device for detection of arterial occlusions. Abstr. 3rd Int. Conf. “Northern Optics”, Bergen (NO), 2006, p. 145.

103.                 A. Lihachev, J. Spigulis. Skin autofluorescence fading at 405/532 nm laser excitation. Abstr. 3rd Int. Conf. “Northern Optics”, Bergen (NO), 2006, p.143.

104.                 U. Rubins, J. Spigulis, J. Aivars. Photoplethysmographic analysis of the vascular changes during physical exercises. Proc. 5th Europ. Symp. Biomed. Engin., Patras, 2006, P.59.

105.                 I. Kuzmina, V. Gilis, A. Abelite, J. Spigulis. Diffuse reflectance of skin vascular malformationsProc. 5th Europ. Symp. Biomed. Engin., Patras, 2006, S3.05.

106.                 R. Erts, J. Spigulis, M. Ozols, E. Kviesis, R. Andersson. Wireless multi-channel photoplethysmography device. Abstr. Int. Conf. AOMD-5, Vilnius, 2006, p.56.

107.                 I. Kuzmina, A. Lihachev, L. Gailite, J. Spigulis. Compact multi-functional skin spectrometry set. Abstr. Int. Conf. AOMD-5, Vilnius, 2006, p. 55.

108.                 R. Erts, E. Kviesis-Kipge, J. Spigulis. Photoplethysmographic wireless device based on the Bluetooth technology. Abstr. Int. Conf. “Biomedical Engineering”, Kaunas, 2006, p. 119.

109.                 J. Spigulis, L. Gailite, A. Lihachev, R. Erts. Simultaneous recording of skin blood pulsations at different vascular depths by multi-wavelength photoplethysmography, Appl. Opt., v. 46, No. 10, 2007, pp. 1754-1759.

110.                 A. Lihachev, J. Spigulis. Skin autofluorescence fading at 405/532 nm laser excitation. IEEE Xplore, 10.1109/NO, 2007, pp. 63-65.

111.                 L. Gailite, J. Spigulis, A. Lihachev. Multi-laser photoplethysmography technique. Las. Med. Sci.v. 23, 2008, pp. 189-193.

112.                 I. Kuzmina, A. Lihachev, L. Gailite, J. Spigulis. Compact multi-functional skin spectrometry set-up. Proc. SPIE, vol. 6596 (Advanced Optical Materials, Technologies and Devices, Vilnius, LT), 2007, pp. 6596OT1-6596OT6.

113.                 J. Spīgulis. 21. gadsimta tehnoloģijas: no elektronikas uz fotoniku. Sarunas-8, Jaunā Akadēmija, Rīga, 2007, 71.-90. lpp.

114.                 J. Spigulis, L. Gailite, A. Lihachev. Multi-wavelength photoplethysmography for simultaneous recording of skin blood pulsations at different vascular depths. Proc. SPIE, vol. 6430, 2007, pp. 64301I-1 - 64301I-6.

115.                 J. Spīgulis. Ādas optika un medicīna. Terra, 2007, Nr. 2, 15.-19. lpp.

116.                 J. Spigulis. Biophotonics Master studies: teaching and training experience at University of Latvia. Proc. ETOP 2007 (ICO-OSA-SPIE Education and Training in Optics and Photonics, Ottawa, CA - CD-format), 2007.

117.                 J. Spigulis, L. Gailite, A. Lihachev. Contact probe pressure effects in skin multi-wavelength photoplethysmography. Proc. SPIE-OSA, v. 6628 (Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine IV, Munich, DE), 2007, pp. 66281F-1 – 66281F-8.

118.                 J. Spigulis, A. Lihachev, L. Gailite, R. Erts. Novel laser technologies for human skin in-vivo assessment. Abstr. Int. Conf. ALT’07 - Advanced Laser Technologies (Levi, FI), 2007, p. 95.

119.                 A. Lihachev, J. Spigulis, The fluorescence fading effect of human skin and inanimate materials during continuous laser irradiation. Abstr. Int. Conf. LALS 2007- Laser Applications in Life Sciences (Moscow, RU), p. 32, 2007.

120.                 J. Spigulis, A. Lihachev, L. Gailite, R. Erts. Novel laser technologies for human skin in-vivo assessment. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7022, 70220N ; DOI:10.1117/12.803940, 2008.

121.                 J. Spigulis, R. Erts, V. Nikiforovs, E. Kviesis-Kipge. Wearable wireless photoplethysmography sensors. Proc. SPIE, vol. 6991, 6991120, 2008.

122.                 J. Paturskis, V. Veliks, M. Ozols, I. Svikis, R. Erts, J. Spigulis. Photoplethysmography device for detection of changes in the vasomotor parameters of small laboratory animals. IFMBE Proc. Vol. 20 (Springer - NBC-14, Riga), pp. 386-389, 2008.

123.                 R. Erts, V. Nikiforovs, M. Ozols, E. Kviesis, J. Spigulis. Wireless photoplethysmography sensors in wearable computing. Abstr, 14th Nordic-Baltic Conf. Biomed. Eng. Med. Phys., Riga, p. 52, 2008.

124.                 A. Lihachev, J. Spigulis. Imaging of laser-excited skin autofluorescence fading rate. Abstr, 14th Nordic-Baltic Conf. Biomed. Eng. Med. Phys., Riga, p. 97, 2008.

125.                 I. Kuzmina, J. Spigulis. Diffuse reflectance of skin vascular malformations: comparison of in vivo and in vitro results. Abstr, 14th Nordic-Baltic Conf. Biomed. Eng. Med. Phys., Riga, p. 108, 2008.

126.                 R. Erts, M. Ozols, P. Butlers, Z. Marcinkevics, J. Spigulis. Functional neurostimulation device with an optical synchronization. Abstr. 6th Int. Conf. „Advanced Optical Materials and Devices”, Riga, Latvia, 2008, p. 85.

127.                 I. Kuzmina, K. Kruzmetra, J. Spigulis. Spatially and time resolved reflectance spectrometry for skin diagnostics: in vivo and in vitro results, Abstr. 6th Int. Conf. „Advanced Optical Materials and Devices”, Riga, Latvia, 2008, p. 45.

128.                 A. Lihachev, R. Erts, U. Rubins, J. Spigulis. Method and device for imaging of fluorescence fading. Abstr. 6th Int. Conf. „Advanced Optical Materials and Devices”, Riga, Latvia, 2008, p. 91.

129.                 J. Spigulis, A. Lihachev, and R. Erts, "Imaging of laser-excited tissue autofluorescence bleaching rates," Appl. Opt., v. 48, No. 10, pp. D163-D168, 2009.

130.                 J. Spigulis, A. Lihachev, and R. Erts, "Imaging of laser-excited tissue autofluorescence bleaching rates", The Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, v. 4, Iss. 6, 2009.

131.                 R. Erts, U. Rubins, and J. Spigulis, Monitoring of blood pulsation using non-contact technique, Proc. IFMBE 25/VII (11th World Congr. Med  Phys. Biomed. Engin., Munich), Springer, pp. 754-756 (2009).

132.                 E. Kviesis-Kipge, E. Curkste, J. Spigulis and D. Gardovska. Optical studies of the capillary refill kinetics in fingertips, Proc. IFMBE 25/VII (11th World Congr. Med  Phys. Biomed. Engin., Munich), Springer, pp. 377-379 (2009).

133.                 D. Jakovels and J. Spigulis. Multi-spectral mapping of in-vivo skin parameters. Abstr. Int. Conf. “Northern Optics 2009”, p. 101, Vilnius (2009).

134.                 E. Kviesis-Kipge and J. Spigulis, Wireless optical sensing of fingertip blood pulsations, Abstr. Int. Conf. “Northern Optics 2009”, p. 102, Vilnius (2009).

135.                 J. Spigulis, Skin optics as a tool for distant health assessment, Abstr. Int. Conf. “Northern Optics 2009”, p. 23, Vilnius (2009).

136.                 D. Jakovels and J. Spigulis, 2-D mapping of skin chromophores in the spectral range 500-700 nmJ. Biophoton. v.3, No. 3, pp. 125–129 (2010).

137.                 J. Spigulis. Optical technologies for distant diagnostics and monitoring. Abstr. 2nd Congr. BAML „Photo Medicine: Diagnostics and Treatment”, Vilnius, 2009, p. 9.

138.                 J. Spigulis, D. Jakovels, U. Rubins. Multi-spectral skin imaging by a consumer photo-camera. Proc. SPIE Vol. 7557, 75570M (2010).

139.                 D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis, I. Saknite. Multi-spectral mapping of in-vivo skin haemoglobin and melanin. Proc. SPIE, Vol.7715, 77152Z1-4 (2010).

140.                 E. Kviesis-Kipge, E. Čurkste, J. Spigulis, L. Eihvalde. Real-time analysis of skin capillary-refill processes using blue LED. Proc. SPIE, Vol.7715, 7715231-5 (2010).

141.                 D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis. Skin chromophore mapping by multi-spectral imaging and selective R-G-B analysisOSA Biomedical Optics, Technical Digest CD, Miami, 2010.

142.                 A. Lihachev, J. Lesins, D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis. Low power cw-laser signatures on human skin. Abstr. Int. Conf. “Laser Applications in Life Sciences”, Oulu (Finland), p. 223 (2010).

143.                 A. Lihachev, J. Lesins, D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis. Low power cw-laser signatures on human skin. Quant. Electron., v. 40, No. 12, 1077-1080, (2010).

144.                 D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis. RGB imaging of laser-excited skin autofluorescence bleaching rates. Abstr. Int. Conf. “Laser Applications in Life Sciences”, Oulu (Finland), P. 223 (2010).

145.                 D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis. RGB imaging of laser-excited skin autofluorescence bleaching rates. Proc. SPIE, vol. 7376, 737618 (2010).

146.                 I. Kuzmina, L. Asare, I. Diebele, D. Jakovels, A. Kempele, J. Spigulis. Multispectral imaging of pigmented and vascular cutaneous malformations: the influence of laser treatment. Abstr. Int. Conf. “Laser Applications in Life Sciences”, Oulu (Finland), p. 237 (2010).

147.                 I. Kuzmina, L. Asare, I. Diebele, D. Jakovels, A. Kempele, J. Spigulis. Multispectral imaging of pigmented and vascular cutaneous malformations: the influence of laser treatment. Proc. SPIE, vol. 7376, 73760J (2010).

148.                 R. Erts, E. Kviesis-Kipge, J. Zaharans, E. Zaharans, J. SpigulisWireless photoplethysmography finger sensor probeIEEE Explore10.1109/BEC.2010.5630194, p. 283-284, 2010.

149.                 I. Saknite, D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis. Distant determination of bilirubin distribution in skin by multi-spectral imaging. Latv.J.Phys.Tech.Sci., No.2, p.50-55, 2011.

150.                 I. Kuzmina, I. Diebele, L. Valeine, D. Jakovels, A. Kempele, J. Kapostinsh, J. Spigulis. Multi-spectral imaging analysis of pigmented and vascular skin lesions: results of a clinical trial. Proc. SPIE, v.7883, 788312 (2011).

151.                 L. Asare, E.Kviesis–Kipge, A.Grabovskis, U.Rubins, R.Erts, J.Spigulis. Multi-spectral photoplethysmography biosensor. Proc. SPIE, v. 8073, 80731Z (2011).

152.                 L. Asare, E. Kviesis-Kipge, U. Rubins, O. Rubenis, J. Spigulis. Multi-spectral photoplethysmography technique for parallel monitoring of pulse shapes at different tissue depths. Proc. SPIE, v. 8087, 80872E (2011).

153.                 A. Lihachev , K. Rozniece, J. Lesins, J. Spigulis. Photobleaching measurements of pigmented and vascular skin lesions: results of a clinical trial. Proc. SPIE, v.8087, 80872F (2011).

154.                 I. Diebele, I. Kuzmina, J. Kapostinsh, A. Derjabo, J. Spigulis Melanoma-nevus differentiation by multispectral imaging. Proc. SPIE, v. 8087, 80872G (2011).

155.                 J. Lesinsh, A.Lihachev, R. Rudys, S. Bagdonas, J. Spigulis. Skin autofluorescence photobleaching and photo-memory. Proc. SPIE, v.8092, 80920N (2011).

156.                 D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis, L. Rogule. RGB mapping of hemoglobin distribution in skin. Proc. SPIE, v. 8087, 80872B (2011).

157.                 I.Kuzmina, I.Diebele, J.Spigulis, L.Valeine, A.Kempele, A.Abelite. Contact and contactless diffuse reflectance spectroscopy: potential for recovery monitoring of vascular lesions after intense pulsed light treatment, J. Biomed. Opt., v. 16, No.4, 040505 (2011).

158.                 I.Kuzmina, I. Diebele, D. Jakovels, J.Spigulis, L..Valeine, J. Kapostinsh. Towards noncontact skin melanoma selection by multispectral imaging analysis, J. Biomed. Opt., v. 16, No. 6, 060502 (2011).

159.                 U. Rubins, V. Upmalis, O. Rubenis, D. Jakovels, J. Spigulis. Real-time photoplethysmography imaging system. Proc. IFMBE, v. 34, 183-186 (2011).

160.                 D.Jakovels, J.Spigulis. RGB imaging system for mapping and monitoring of hemoglobin distribution in skin. Proc. SPIE, v. 8158, 8158OR (2011).

161.                 I.Diebele, I.Kuzmina, A.Lihachev, J.Spigulis, J.Kapostinsh, A.Derjabo, L.Valeine. Clinical evaluation of melanomas and common nevi by spectral imaging, Biomed.Opt.Express, v.3, No.3, pp. 467-472, 2012.

162.                 L.Asare, E.Kviesis-Kipge, M.Ozols, J.Spigulis, R.Erts. "Multi-spectral Optoelectronic Device for Skin Microcirculation Analysis". Lith. J.Phys., v.52, No.1, pp. 59-62 (2012).

163.                 I.Ferulova, A.Rieba, J.Lesins, A.Berzina, A.Lihachev, J.Spigulis. "Portable device for skin autofluorescence photobleaching measurements". Lith. J.Phys., v.52, No.1, pp. 55-58 (2012).

164.                 D.Jakovels, J.Spigulis. RGB imaging device for mapping and monitoring of hemoglobin distribution in skin. Lith. J.Phys., v.52, No.1, pp. 50-54 (2012).

165.                 J.Spigulis, D.Jakovels, L.Elste. Towards single snapshot multispectral skin assessment. Proc. SPIE 8216, 82160L (2012).

166.                 L.Asare, M.Ozols, U.Rubins, O.Rubenis, J.Spigulis. Clinical measurements with multi-spectral photoplethysmography sensors. Proc. SPIE 8427, 842734 (2012).

167.                 I.Diebele, A.Bekina, A.Derjabo, J.Kapostinsh, I.Kuzmina, J.Spigulis. Analysis of skin basalioma and melanoma by multispectral imagingProc. SPIE 8427, 842732 (2012).

168.                 D.Jakovels, I.Kuzmina, A.Berzina, J.Spigulis. RGB imaging system for monitoring of skin vascular malformation's laser therapyProc. SPIE 8427, 842737 (2012).

169.                 I.Ferulova, J.Lesins, A.Lihachev, D.Jakovels, J.Spigulis, "Influence of low power CW laser irradiation on skin hemoglobin changes", Proc. SPIE 8427, 84273I (2012).

170.                 J.Spigulis. Biophotonic technologies for noninvasive assessment of skin condition and blood microcirculation. Latv.J.Phys.Techn.Sci., v.49, No.5, pp.63-80 (2012).

171.                 A.Bekina, I.Diebele, U.Rubins, J.Zaharans, A.Derjabo, J.Spigulis. Multispectral assessment of skin malformations by modified video-microscope. Latv.J.Phys.Techn.Sci., v.49, No.5, pp.4-8 (2012).

172.                 I.Saknite, M.Lange, D.Jakovels, J.Spigulis. Determination of chromophore distribution in skin by spectral imaging Proc. SPIE,v.8474 , 84740K (2012).

173.                 J.Spigulis, V.Garancis, U.Rubins, E.Zaharans, J.Zaharans, L.Elste, “A device for multimodal imaging of skin”, Proc. SPIE, v. 8574,  85740J  (2013).

174.                 D.Jakovels, U.Rubins, J.Spigulis. LASCA and PPG imaging for non-contact assessment of skin blood supplyProc. SPIE, v.8668, 866849 (2013).

175.                 I.Lihacova, A.Derjabo, J.Spigulis. A multispectral imaging approach for diagnostics of skin pathologies. Proc. SPIE 8798, 87980X (2013).

176.                 D. Jakovels, I. Lihacova, I. Kuzmina, J. Spigulis. Evaluation of skin melanoma in spectral range 450-950 nm using principal component analysis. Proc. SPIE 8803, 88030C (2013).

177.                 U. RubinsJ. SpigulisL. ValeineA. BerzinaSemi-automatic detection of skin malformations by analysis of spectral images .Proc. SPIE  8798, 87980S (2013).

178.                 A.BekinaU.RubinsJ.ZaharansJ.SpigulisSkin chromophore mapping by modified video-microscope. Proc. SPIE  8798, 87980T (2013).

179.                 D.Jakovels, I.Kuzmina, A.Berzina, L.Valeine, J.Spigulis. Noncontact monitoring of vascular lesion phototherapy efficiency by RGB multispectral imaging. J.Biomed.Opt., v.18, No.12,126019 (2013).

180.                 A. LihachevD. JakovelsI. FerulovaJ. SpigulisM. TamosiunasS. SatkauskasC. W. LoW. S. ChenFluorescence spectroscopy for estimation of anticancer drug sonodestruction in vitro Proc. SPIE  9032, 90320D (2013).

181.                 D. JakovelsA. LihachevJ. SpigulisS. SatkauskasM. TamosiunasC. W. LoW. S. Chen.  Assessment of efficiencies of electroporation and sonoporation methods by using fluorescence RGB imaging method. Proc. SPIE  9032, 90320E (2013).

182.                 I.SakniteE.KviesisJ.SpigulisWater detection in skin by dual-band photodiodes. .Proc. SPIE  9032, 90320O (2013).

183.                 I.FerulovaA.LihachevJ.SpigulisFluorescence lifetime spectroscopy: potential for in-vivo estimation of skin fluorophores changes after low power laser treatment. .Proc. SPIE  9032, 90320B (2013).

184.                 D.JakovelsI.LihacovaI.KuzminaJ.SpigulisApplication of principal component analysis to multispectral imaging data for evaluation of pigmented skin lesions. Proc. SPIE  9032, 903204 (2013).

185.                 A. BekinaV. GarancisU. RubinsJ. SpigulisL. ValeineA. BerzinaMultimodal device for assessment of skin malformations Proc. SPIE  9032, 903207 (2013).

186.                 U.Rubins, J.Spigulis, A.Miscuks. Application of color magnification technique for revealing skin microcircuration changes under regional anaesthetic input. Proc.SPIE, 9032, 903203 (2013).

187.                 A.Bekina, U.Rubins, I.Lihachova, J.Zaharans, J.Spigulis. Skin chromophore mapping by means of a modifified video-microscope for skin malformation diagnosis. Proc.SPIE, 8856, 88562G (2013).

188.                 L.Asare, J.Spigulis. Analysis of multispectral photoplethysmography biosensors. Proc.SPIE, 8801, 880106 (2013).

189.                 L.Asare, E.Kviesis-Kipge, J.Spigulis. Clinical measurement analysus of multi-spectral photoplethysmography biosensors. Proc.SPIE, 9129, 912933 (2014).

190.                 A. Lihachev, I. Ferulova, K. Vasiljeva, J. Spigulis. Investigation of in-vivo skin autofluorescence lifetimes under long-term cw optical excitationQuant.Electr., 44 (8), 770-773 (2014).

191.                 D.Jakovels, I.Saknite, J.Spigulis. Implementation of laser speckle contrast analysis as connection kit for mobile phone for assessment of skin blood flow. Proc.SPIE, 9129, 91293I (2014).

192.                 I.Saknite, D.Jakovels, J.Spigulis. Diffuse reflectance and fluorescence multispectral imaging system for assessment of skin. Proc.SPIE, 9129, 91293H (2014).

193.                 J.Spigulis, L.Elste. Single-snapshot RGB multispectral imaging at fixed wavelengths: proof of concept. Proc.SPIE, 8937, 89370L (2014).

194.                 194.      194.      J.Spigulis, U.Rubins, E.Kviesis-Kipge, O.Rubenis. SkImager: a concept device for in-vivo skin assessment by multimodal imaging. Proc.Est.Acad.Sci., 63(3), 213-220   (2014).

195.                 D.Jakovels, I.Saknite, G.Krievina, J.Zaharans, J.Spigulis. Mobile phone based laser speckle contrast imager for assessment of skin blood flow. Proc.SPIE, 9421, 94210J (2014)

196.                 A.Lihachev, I.Ferulova,.J.Spigulis, D.Chorvat. Parallel measurements of in-vivo skin autofluorescence lifetimes and photobleaching rates. IFMBE Proc. 48, 78-81 (2014).

197.                 A.Silapetere, I.Saknite, J.Spigulis. Development and experimental study of phantoms for mapping skin chromophores. Latv.J.Phys.Techn. Sci., 51 (3), 58-66 (2014).

198.                 N.Lesina, J.Spigulis. Hands-on optics and photonics outreach in Riga. Proc. SPIE 9289, 92892I (2014).

199.                 U.Rubins, J.Zaharans, I.Lihacova, J.Spigulis. Multispectral video-microscope modified for skin diagnostics. Latv.J.Phys.Techn.Sci., 51(5), 65-70 (2014).

200.                 I.Ferulova, A.Lihachev, J.Spigulis. Photobleaching effects on in-vivo skin autofluorescence lifetime. J.Biomed.Opt., 20(5), 051031 (2015).

201.                 J.Spigulis, I.Oshina. 3x3 technique for RGB snapshot mapping of skin chromophores, in Optics in the Life Sciences, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper JT3A.39.

202.                 J.Spigulis, I.Oshina. Snapshot RGB mapping of skin melanin and hemoglobin. J.Biomed.Opt., 20(5), 050503 (2015).

203.                 I.Kuzmina, M.Lacis, J.Spigulis, A.Berzina, L.Valaine. Study of smartphone suitability for mapping of skin chromophores. J.Biomed.Opt., 20(9), 090503, 2015.

204.                 A.Lihachev, A.Derjabo, I.Ferulova, M.Lange, I.Lihacova, J.Spigulis. Autofluorescence imaging of Basal Cell Carcinoma by smartphone RGB camera. J.Biomed.Opt., 20(12), 120502 (2015).

205.                 D.Bliznuks, D.Jakovels, I.Saknite, J.Spigulis. Mobile platform for online processing of multimodal skin optical images: Using online Matlab server for processing remission, fluorescence and laser speckle images, obtained by using novel handheld device.  BioPhotonics 2015 (Florence, IT), 7304024 (2015) - online.

206.                 D.Jakovels, I.Saknite, D.Bliznuks, J.Spigulis, R.Kadikis. Benign-atypical nevi discrimination using diffuse reflectance and fluorescence multispectral imaging system. BioPhotonics 2015 (Florence, IT), 7304026 (2015) – online.

207.                 I.Saknite, A.Zavorins, D.Jakovels, J.Spigulis, J.Kisis. Comparison of single-spot technique and RGB imaging for erythema index estimation. Physiol.Measurement 37(3), 333-346 (2016).

208.                 J. Spigulis, I. Oshina, Z. Rupenheits, "Smartphone single-snapshot mapping of skin chromophores," in Biomedical Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online), JTu3A.46 (2016),

209.                 U.Rubins, J.Spigulis, A.Miscuks, Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for continuous monitoring of regional anesthesia”, ESTIMedia'16 Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, pp. 67-71 (2016).

210.                 A.Dzerve, I.Ferulova, A.Lihachev, J.Spigulis, “Time of flight for photons in human skin”, J.Biomed.Photonics&Eng., 2(3), 030301-1 – 030301-4 (2016).

211.                 A.Zhelyazkova, I.Kuzmina, E.Borisova, N.Penkov, Ts.Genova, J.Spigulis, L.Avramov, “Investigating different skin and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) pathologies ex vivo by autofluorescence spectroscopy and optical imaging”, Proc. SPIE 10226, 1022615 (2017).

212.                 J.Spigulis, I.Oshina, A.Berzina, A.Bykov, “Smartphone snapshot mapping of skin chromophores under triple-wavelength laser illumination”, J.Biomed.Opt.22(9), 091508 (2017).

213.                 I.Saknite, A.Grabovskis, S.Kazune, U.Rubins, Z.Marcinkevics, K.Volceka, E.Kviesis-Kipge, J.Spigulis, "Novel hybrid technology for early diagnostics of sepsis", Proc. SPIE 10057, 100570F (2017).

214.                 I.Saknite, A.Zavorins, I.Zablocka, J.Kisis, J.Spigulis, “Comparison of a near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy system and skin
conductance measurements for in vivo estimation of skin hydration: a
clinical study”, J.Biomed.Photon.Engin., 3(1), 010310 (2017).

215.                 J.Spigulis, “Multispectral, fluorescent and photoplethysmographic imaging for remote skin assessment”, Sensors17, 1165 (2017).

216.                 I.Oshina, J.Spigulis, U.Rubins, E.Kviesis-Kipge, K.Lauberts, “Express RGB mapping of three to five skin chromophores”, Proc. SPIE-OSA ,10413, 104130M-1 (2017).

217.                 M.R.Garcia, M.D.Stringasci, D.V.Magalhăes, J.Spigulis, V.S. Bagnato, S. Pratavieira, “Photoaging Evaluation by RGB Images Using a Smartphone for Photodynamic Therapy Assessment”, Proc.SPIE-OSA, 10411, 1041108-1 (2017).

218.                 J.Spigulis. “In vivo skin imaging prototypes “made in Latvia””, Front. Optoelectron., 1–12, (2017).

219.                 I.Kuzmina, U.Rubins, I.Saknite, J.Spigulis. „Rosacea assessment by erythema index and principal component analysis segmentation maps”,  Proc.SPIE 10592, 10592 04 (2017).

220.                 A.Lihachev, l.Lihacova, J.Spigulis, T.Trebst, M.Wehner, “Monitoring soft tissue coagulation by optical spectroscopy”, Proc.SPIE 10592, 10592 0D (2017).

221.                 B.Cugmas, J.Spigulis, “Challenges in automated estimation of capillary refill time in dogs”, Proc.SPIE 10501, 1050117 (2018).

222.                 A.Lihachev, l.Lihacova, E.V.Plorina, M.Lange, A.Derjabo, J.Spigulis, “Differentiation of seborrheic keratosis from basal cell carcinoma, nevi and melanoma by RGB autofluorescence imaging”, Biomed.Opt. Express, 9(4),1852-1858 (2018).

223.                 M.Lange, E.V.Plorina, A.Derjabo, I.ihacova, I.Osina, D.Bliznuks, J.Spigulis, “Evaluating the aging of the scars after cancer removal by using multispectral diagnostic device”, Biomedical Optics Congress 2018, OSA Technical Digest, JTh3A.7, (2018).

224.                 M.Osis, V.Lukinsone, J.Latvels, I.Kuzmina, U.Rubins, J.Spigulis, “Skin remittance kinetics at the spectral range 550-790 nm”, Quant.Electr., 49(1), 2–5 (2019).

225.                 J.Spigulis, A.Lihachev, V.Lukinsone, M.Osis, I.Oshina, “Lasers for in-vivo skin diagnostics: some recent developments”, Proc. SPIE 11047, 1104703 (2019).

226.                 E.Borisova, A.Gisbrecht, T.Genova-Hristova, P.Troyanova, E.Pavlova, N.Penkov, I.Bratchenko, V.Zakharov, I.Lihachova, I.Kuzmina, J.Spigulis, "Multispectral autoflourescence detection of skin neoplasia using steady-state techniques," Proc. SPIE 11047, 1104704 (2019. ).

227.                 B.Cugmas, E.Šturc, J.Spigulis, "Photoplethysmography in dogs and cats: a selection of alternative measurement sites for pet monitor", Physiol.Measurment40(1), 01NT02 (2019).

228.                 V.Lukinsone, R.Veilande, E.V.Plorina, I.Kuzmina, D.Bliznuks, K.Boločko, A.Derjabo, I.Lihacova, J.Spigulis, “Multispectral and autofluorescence RGB imaging for skin cancer diagnostics”, Proc.SPIE 11065, 110650A (2019).

229.                 J.Spigulis, I.Oshina, P.Potapovs, K. Lauberts, “Snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging for applications in dermatology and forensics”, Proc.SPIE10881, 1088114 (2019).

230.                 B.Cugmas, J.Spigulis, “Clinical evaluation of automated capillary refill time estimation in dogs and cats”, Proc.SPIE 10868, 10868-1N (2019).

231.                 B.Cugmas, J.Spigulis, “Biophotonics in veterinary medicine: the first steps toward clinical translation”, Proc.SPIE 10885, 10885-20 (2019).

232.                 V. Lukinsone, M. Osis, J. Latvels, I. Kuzmina, U. Rubins, N. Zorina, A.Maslobojeva, J. Spigulis, "Towards direct measurements of remitted photon path lengths in skin: kinetic studies in the range 520-800 nm", Proc. SPIE 11075, 1107505 (2019.

233.                 I.Oshina, P.Potapovs, J.Spigulis, “Spectral imaging system for money counterfeit detection”, OSA Technical Digest, ITu3B.3, (2019).

234.                 M.Lange, N.Kiss, L.Fesus, E.V. Plorina, A.Derjabo, J.Spigulis, “Non-invasive LED-based screening solution for skin cancer“, Proc.SPIE 11073, 11073-17 (2019).

235.                 A.Sdobnov, A.Bykov, A.Popov, I.Lihacova, A.Lihachev, J.Spigulis, I.Meglinski, “Combined multi-wavelength laser speckle contrast imaging and diffuse reflectance imaging for skin perfusion assessment”, Proc. SPIE 11075, 110751F (2019).

236.                 J.Spigulis, I.Oshina, M.Matulenko, “Laser illumination designs for snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging” , IEEE Xplore (2019). 237. M.Tamošiūnas, E.V.Plorina, M.Lange, A.Derjabo, I.Kuzmina, D.Bļizņuks, J.Spigulis, “Autofluorescence imaging for recurrence detection in skin cancer post-operative scars”, J.Biophoton. 13(3),  e201900162 (2020).

237.                 238. V.Lukinsone, A.Maslobojeva, U.Rubins,  M.Kuzminskis, M.Osis, J.Spigulis, “Remitted photon path lengths in human skin:  in-vivo measurement data”, Biomed.Opt.Expr. 11(5), 2866-2873 (2020).

238.                 239. J.Spigulis, I.Kuzmina, V.Lukinsone, M.Tamošiūnas, I.Oshina, L.Ozolina, A.Maslobojeva, M.Kuzminskis, D.Ivanov, E.Borisova, “Towards combined multispectral, FLIM and Raman imaging for skin diagnostics”, Proc.SPIE 11232, 112320N-1 (2020).

239.                 240. J.Spigulis, Z.Rupenheits, M.Matulenko, I.Oshina,U.Rubins, “A snapshot multi-wavelengths imaging device for in-vivo skin diagnostics”, Proc.SPIE 11232, 112320I-1 (2020).

240.                 241. Z.Marcinkevics, D.Briljonoks, H.Kronberga, J.Spigulis, “LED-bed therapy of cardiovascular disorders: a volunteer study”, Proc.SPIE 11221, 112210R (2020).

241.                 242. I.Kuzmina, V.Lukinsone, U.Rubins, I.Osina, L.Dambite, A.Maslobojeva, J.Spigulis, “Agar-based phantoms for skin diagnostic imaging”, Proc. SPIE 11363, 113630F (2020). doi: 10.1117/12.2555674.

242.                 243. V. Lukinsone, I. Kuzmina, M. Tamosiunas, A. Maslobojeva,M. Kuzminskis, U. Rubins, J. Spigulis, “Remitted photon path length in human skin, skin phantoms and cell cultures”, Proc. SPIE 11363, 1136320 (2020). doi: 10.1117/12.2555822.

243.                 244. E.Borisova, D.Ivanov, B.Kolev, T.Genova, V.Mircheva, S.Ilyov, L.Zaharieva,  I.Lihachova, A.Lihachovs, J.Spigulis, P.Troyanova, "Autofluorescence spectroscopy of cutaneous neoplasia under ultraviolet, visible and near infrared excitation", Proc. SPIE 11363, 113630Z (2020);

244.                 245. J.Spigulis, V.Lukinsone, U.Rubins, A.Maslobojeva, M.Kuzminskis, “Skin-remitted photon path lengths: Experimental study”, in Biomedical Optics 2020, OSA Technical Digest, paper JW3A.1 (2020).

245.                 246. J.Spigulis, Z.Rupenheits, U.Rubins, M.Mileiko, I.Oshina, “Spectral line reflectance and fluorescence imaging device for skin diagnostics”, Appl. Sci. 10, 7472 (2020); doi:10.3390/app10217472.

246.                 247. J.Spigulis, V.Lukinsone, I.Oshina, E.Kviesis-Kipge, M.Tamosiunas, A.Lihachev, "Recent Results of Riga Group on Laser Applications for Skin Diagnostics", J.Phys.:Conf. Series (2021, accepted).

247.                 248. J.Spigulis, I.Kuzmina, I.Lihacova, V.Lukinsone, B.Cugmas, A.Grabovskis, E.Kviesis-Kipge, A.Lihachev,  “Biophotonics research in Riga: recent projects and results”, Proc.SPIE 11585, 1158502 (2020).

248.                 249. B.Cugmas, D.Viškere, E.Štruc, J.Spigulis, "Selection of erythema index and image sampling method for the objective erythema estimation in dogs with atopic dermatitis", Proc. SPIE 11585, 115850E (2020);

249.                 250.E.Borisova, T.Genova, V.Mircheva, P.Troyanova, I.Bratchenko, L.Bratchenko,Y.Khristoforova, V.Zakharov, I.Lihacova, A.Lihachev, J.Spigulis, "Multispectral fluorescence detection of pigmented cutaneous tumours", Proc. SPIE 11585, 1158504  (2020);

250.                 J.Spigulis, V.Lukinsone, I.Oshina, E.Kviesis-Kipge, M.Tamosiunas, A.Lihachev, "Riga Group’s recent results on laser applications for skin diagnostics", J.Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1859, 012033 (2021).

251.            I.Oshina, J.Spigulis, “Beer-Lambert law for optical tissue diagnostics: current state of the art and the main limitations”, J.Biomed.Opt. 26(10), 100901 (2021).

252.            I.Oshina, J.Spigulis, “Potential of the Beer–Lambert law for skin chromophore mapping from diffuse reflectance images”, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers: ECBO 2021,  ETu2A.27 (2021).


  1. M.Bürmen, P.Naglič, J.Spigulis, “Comparison of in-vivo measured optical path length distribution of backscattered light in human skin and time-resolved Monte Carlo simulations”, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers: ECBO 2021, ETu2A.15 (2021).

255.            M.Bürmen, P.Naglič, J.Spigulis, “Comparison of in-vivo measured optical path length distribution of backscattered light in human skin and time-resolved Monte Carlo simulations”, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers: ECBO 2021, ETu2A.15 (2021).; Proc. SPIE 11920, 119201V (2021). doi:10.1117/12.2615424.

  1. I.Kuzmina, I.Oshina, L.Dambite, V.Lukinsone, A.Maslobojeva, A.Berzina, J.Spigulis, “Skin chromophore mapping by smartphone RGB camera under spectral band and spectral line illumination”, J.Biomed.Opt. 27(2), 026004 (2022).  doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.2.026004.
  2. I.Oshina, J.Spigulis, I.Kuzmina, L.Dambite, A.Berzina, “Three-dimensional representation of triple spectral line imaging data as an option for noncontact skin diagnostics”, J.Biomed.Opt. 27(9), 095005 (2022). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.9.095005.
  3. J.Spīgulis, I.Ošiņa, “Spectral line imaging: principles, implementation and applications”, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Yearbook-2022, p. 98-101 (2022).
  4. V.Lukinsone, M.Kuzminskis, U.Rubins, J.Spīgulis, “Skin-scattered photon path lengths: an experimental study”, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Yearbook-2022, p. 102-104 (2022).
  5. T.Fisher,…, I.Oshina,…, J.Spigulis,, “Profiling and imaging of forensic evidence – a pan-European forensic round robin study part 1: Document forgery”, Science & Justice 62(4), p. 433-447 (2022).
  6. S.Hu, S.Greenwald, V.Dwyer, J.Spigulis, Y.Guo Y, “Editorial: In vivo opto-physiological imaging”, Front. Phys. 10:977624 (2022). doi:10.3389/fphy.2022.977624.
  7. Saknite I, Kwun S, Zhang K, Hood A, Chen F, Kangas L, Kortteisto P, Kukkonen A, Spigulis J, Tkaczyk ER. “Hyperspectral imaging to accurately segment skin erythema and hyperpigmentation in cutaneous chronic graft-versus-host disease,” J.Biophot. e202300009 (2023). DOI: 10.1002/jbio.202300009.
  8. J.Spigulis, E.Kviesis-Kipge, U.Rubins, I.Oshina, M.Mileiko, “RGB laser-illuminated spectral imaging: applications in dermatology and endoscopy”, Proc.IFMBE, v.89, pp. 138-144 (2023).
  9. I.Oshina,  J.Spigulis, "3D-representation of skin malformations using spectral line imaging and modified Beer-Lambert law", Proc. SPIE 12665, 126650T (2023).
  10. J.Spigulis, U.Rubins, E.Kviesis-Kipge, I.Saknite, I.Oshina, E.Vasilisina, A.K.Krievina, “Diagnostic spectral imaging of skin and nasal mucosa by RGB laser-based prototype devices”, Proc.SPIE 13009, 130090C (2024). doi: 10.1117/12.3018710.
  11. U.Rubīns, A.K.Krieviņa, K.Peksis, J.Spīgulis,Endoscopic colour analysis of nasal mucosa: methodology and clinical data”, Proc.Latv.Acad.Sci., Sec.B, 78(3), pp.185-190 (2024).
  12. S.Baral, E.V.Plorina, B.Acharya, A.D.Kruijf, I.B.Napit, M.Shah, D.A.Hagge, J.Spigulis,Clinical data on diffuse reflectance and autofluorescence spectra of leprosy affected skin”, Leprosy Rev., submitted 2024, manuscript ID LEP-2024-085.
  13. J.Spigulis, U.Rubins, E.Kviesis-Kipge, I.Saknite, I.Oshina, E.Vasilisina, “Triple spectral line imaging of whole-body human skin: equipment, image processing, and clinical data”, Sensors 24, 7348 (2024). DOI:10.3390/s24227348.