University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy
The Group of Atomic and Atmospheric Physics, and Photochemistry

Research Activities
Research and Teaching Projects
Cooperation and Research Contacts
Main Publications
Extended CVs of researchers: Dr. A. Ubelis, Dr. Hab. U. Berzinsh, Dr. U. Gross, Dr.J.Abolins, MSc E. Smalinsh, MSc. D. Berzina, MSc J. Blahins, MSc J. Pukite
Research activities

experimental studies and applied research  in atomic physics, photochemistry, sources of UV - VUV atomic spectra, applied UV-VUV spectroscopy and vacuum technologies, remote sensing, atmospheric pollution and photochemistry, transdisciplinary research e.g. technologies for sustainable development

Previous but still on agenda:


·         transdisciplinary  problems: technologies for sustainable development and technology transfer, theoretical aspects of sustainable development and knowledge society, education for sustainable development and knowledge society 

Research and teaching projects

·         6thFP Network of Excellence project: ACCENT - "Atmospheric Composition Change: An European Network", Proposal/Contract no.: 505337 2004-2008, national principal investigator A.Ûbelis

·         A.Ubelis. EU Structural Funds Social Fund project (2006-2008) Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu projekts Nr.VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/ (LU reģ. S-46 ESS -2006/57): “Innovation in MSC studies in Physics and Natural sciences – Physics of Global Change  and Technologies for Sustainable Development”

·         A.Ubelis. Latvian Research Council Project (2005-2008) Nr 05.1862 (LU Nr.Z-855-109): “The On-line Research in Stratosphere and Troposphere with White Light Beam (Earth - Satellite Onboard Sensors) and Photochemistry of Ozone – Halogens Mixture”

·         A.Ubelis. 6thFP EESD project contract Global 009244: SHARING - the 2nd International Conference on "Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability", May 2005.

·         A.Ubelis. PHARE Cooperation Programme in the Baltic Sea Region in 2003, grant contract LV2003/005-876/MPF/0014(LU 2005/2255). for the project (2005-2006): “Human Resources for the Knowledge economy of South Latgale Basing on University Municipality Transnational Partnership Knowledge transfer

·         A.Ubelis. PHARE Cooperation Programme in the Baltic Sea Region in 2001, grant contract LE01.07/SPF/0023 (LU 2000-2033) for the project (2004-2005): “Human Resources for the Economic Development of Livani District and Surrounding Territories Basing on University Municipality Partnership “Inversed Brain-Drain”

·         A.Ubelis (Principal investigator). INTERREG III B Project: BUUP - Baltic University Urban Forum Implementing Sustainable Strategies in City Dev. 2003-06”, university municipality partnership of 20 cities/towns and 14 universities from 14 countries including University of Latvia and Livani municipality from Latvia;

·         A.Ūbelis. Applied Research Project (2005-2006) of Ministry of Education and Science, Nr. TOP 05-20 (LU 2005/2192): „Specific devices from quartz and glass  for basic and applied research in Latvia”

·         A.Ubelis (Principal investigator). INTERREG II C project SUPERBS 1999-2001: „Sustainable Urban Patterns Around the Baltic Sea”, coordinator BUP at Uppsala University, university municipality partnership of 11 municipalities and 11 universities from  7 countries including University of Latvia and Livani municipality in Latvia;

·         J.Pukite. 5th FP PhD training site fellowship in the project "Coherent Control in Matterwaves and Quantum Optics", contract HPMT-CT-2001-00294, Kaiserslautern Technical University, January - December 2004

Cooperation and research contacts

·         Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden - Prof. S. Svanberg


Head: Dr.phys. Arnolds Ubelis
Dr.phys. Janis Abolins
Dr.phys. Uldis Gross
MSc Dina Berzina
MSc Edgars Smalins

MSc Jānis Blahins

Prof Janis Gravitis, part-time cooperation
Dr Maris Abele, part-time cooperation
MSc Janis Vjaters, part-time cooperation

Dr Gunars Bajars, part-time cooperation

Dr Ojars Balcers, part-time cooperation

Dr.hab.phys. Uldis Berzinsh mutual interest to restore research activities

Dr.hab.phys. Annette Ladstatter-Weismajer mutual interest to develop joint research activities
Janis Pukite, PhD. Student
Krisjanis Gross, MSc Student

Main publications


  1. Sustainable Development in the Baltic and Beyond (2006) – Ed-s: Walter Leal Filho, Arnolds Ubelis, Dina Berzina, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrative approaches Towards Sustainability, In: Series of “Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability”, Vol.23, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, 611 pages
  2. Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region, Ed.W.Leal, A.Ubelis, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften 2004. 556 p.
  3. Radiative and Collisional Characteristics of Atoms and Molecules.Tellurium. Ed. A.Ubelis. Riga. University of Latvia. 1989. 157 p.


See please under individual researchers’ CV

Last changes 2008.17.10.