04.01.10 |
Autumn Semester 2008; Monday, 14.30 - 18.00, Auditorium 7 (Raiņa bulvāris 19); interim examination (course paper) in November 2008, final examination at 12.01.2009 |
Update of the course materials with regard to the Treaty of Lisbon
After the end of the course, this website stays available for the purpose of deepening and repetition. In 2010, all course materials will be updated with regard to the Treaty of Lisbon. They will be presented in the new course in Spring Semester 2010 and available for download at the special website for that course. With best wishes for a lot of fun and success in your future studies and professional career, yours Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz
The course provides a deepening of your knowledge of European law and an advanced education in practical case-solving. It focuses on those elements and structures of the law of the European Union, which are fundamental for the understanding of the Union and for the work as a lawyer in its member states. It deals in particular with the basic concepts and the implementation and enforcement of European Union law, with the competences and institutions of the Union, the protection of fundamental rights in Union law and the economic fundamental freedoms of the Union's citizens.
The law of the European Union will not be presented in the conventional abstract way, but packed in practical cases, which show the relevance for the practical work of a lawyer. We will solve the cases and elaborate complex solutions together. Thereby the course participants will get a thorough instruction and advanced training in the methods and techniques of legal case-solving, in particular in the writing of legal opinions. They will learn and train how to approach an individual case, how to work out precisely the exact question to answer, how to structure correctly the solution of a case in the field of European law and how to formulate it accurately. They shall also gain the ability to solve entangled cases with complicated facts and intricate complex legal problems in a rational, well-structured, comprehensible and reconstructable way. Eventually, they will be so familiar with the strict inherent rules of legal case-solving, that they will easily discover the weak points and flawed arguments in the presentation of cases by their colleagues, being able to take advantage of them, for example in legal disputes and Court proceedings.
Conditions: The joint course of the Faculty of Law and the Riga Graduate School of Law is open for students of all faculties. In order to get 4 credit points (B), participants are required to pass an interim examination (course paper in November, 60 %) and a final examination (written test in January, 40 %). The students at the Riga Graduate School of Law also have the option to follow the first part of the course only, in order to get 2.5 credit points. For the students of the Riga Graduate School of Law, the first two lectures will be repeated on another day in September.
Downloads (PDF files)
Bibliography (special bibliography for this course) (see new version 2010) | |
Bibliography (general bibliography on European law) (see new version 2010) | |
Introduction to legal case-solving (see new version 2010) | |
Case 1 (concerning the customs union, the common visa and immigration policy and actions against member states) (see new version 2010) | |
Case 2 (concerning the legal nature and mutual loyalty within the European Union) (see new version 2010) | |
Case 3 (concerning the requirements of legality of legal acts of the European Union) (see new version 2010) | |
Case 4 (concerning the action for failure to fulfil obligations, the reference for a preliminary ruling and the transposition of directives) (see new version 2010) | |
Case 5 (concerning the preliminary ruling proceedings and the freedom of establishment; case for the interim examination) (soon available: new version 2010) | |
Case 6 (concerning the action for failure to act and the monitoring of state aids by the Commission) (see new version 2010) | |
Case 7 (concerning the action for failure to fulfil obligations and the obligation of the member states to enforce Community law) (see new version 2010) | |
Case 8 (case for the final examination) | |
Diagram 1 (The legality of legal acts of the European Union) (see new version 2010) | |
Diagram 2 (Legal actions at the European Court of Justice) (see new version 2010) |
Diagram 3 (The infringement proceedings) (see new version 2010) | |
Diagram 4 (The preliminary ruling proceedings) (see new version 2010) |
Diagram 5 (The action for failure to act) (see new version 2010) |
general materials on the Law of the European Union
(® background
informations) |
§ 1 Introduction to the methods and techniques of legal case-solving | |
§ 2 Basic concepts of the law of the European Union | |
§ 3 Implementation and enforcement of the law of the European Union | |
§ 4 The competences and the institutions of the European Union | |
§ 5 The fundamental rights in the law of the European Union | |
§ 6 The economic fundamental freedoms of the citizens of the Union |
[A. General introductions] [B. Cases] [C. Other materials] [General bibliography on European Law]
Note: Exercises in practical case-solving are common in legal education in many European countries. They are, however, still less common in the field of European law. Often, the materials used by the lecturers are not published. In particular, there is not much relevant literature in English. Since the education in practical case-solving has a long tradition and is very developed in the German speaking countries, most specific liteature is in German. - In this course, extensive materials are provided (in English and German) by the lecturer.
A. General introductions to the methods and techniques of legal case-solving
Beljin, Saša: EG-Recht in der Fallbearbeitung, JuS 2002, 987 (on the relevance of European law for the solving of cases on national law) | |
Bringewat, Peter: Methodik der juristischen Fallbearbeitung. Mit Aufbau- und Prüfungsschemata aus dem Zivil-, Strafrecht und öffentlichen Recht, 2007 (general methodological instructions) | |
Butzer, Hermann; Epping, Volker: Arbeitstechnik im öffentlichen Recht. Vom Sachverhalt zur Lösung. Methodik – Technik – Materialerschließung, 3rd edition 2005 (general methodological instructions) | |
Muntjewerff, Antoinette: Learning Legal Case Solving with the Computer Program PROSA, 2000 (about a computer program developed in the nineties at the University of Amsterdam to facilitate legal case-solving) |
Pense, Uwe: Klausur und Hausarbeit. Methodik der Fallbearbeitung für Studium und Examen - Die sieben Schritte zum Erfolg, 2003 (methodological instructions with regard to case-solving examinations) | |
Schimmel, Roland: Juristische Klausuren und Hausarbeiten richtig formulieren: Methodik und Fallbearbeitung, 2008 | |
Schwacke, Peter: Juristische Methodik. Mit Technik der Fallbearbeitung, 4th edition 2003 (general methodological instructions) |
B. Practical cases on European law
Arndt, Hans-Wolfgang; Fischer, Kristian: Europarecht. 20 Fälle mit Lösungen, 6th edition 2008 [coming soon] |
Baab, Heiner: Fälle zum Europarecht, 1995 ff. | |
Epping, Volker; Lenz, Sebastian: Fallrepetitorium Europarecht. Fälle und Lösungen, 2005 |
Grams, Hartmut; Pitschas, Christian: Prüfungsschemata Europarecht, 2008 (special examination schemes for case-solving in European law) [coming soon] | |
Hoffmann, Michael; Odendahl, Guido: Europarecht - Fälle mit Lösungen, 2nd edition 2008 | |
Lorz, Ralph Alexander: Fallrepetitorium Europarecht, 2006 | |
Pieper, Stefan Ulrich: Fälle und Lösungen zum Europarecht, 2nd edition 2004 | |
Rebord, Annette: L'essentiel du droit européen, 2008 | |
Salinas Alcega, Sergio; Tirado Robles, Carmen: Casos prácticos de derecho de la Unión Europea, 2005 |
Weiß, Wolfgang: Fälle mit Lösungen aus dem Europa- und Völkerrecht, 2nd edition 2005 |
Cuthbert, Michael: European Union Law Q&A [Questions & Answers], 6th edition 2007 |
Foster, Nigel: EU Law 2007 - 2008 [Blackstone's Law Questions & Answers], 6th edition 2007 |
Schäfer, Peter: Studienbuch Europarecht. Das Wirtschaftsrecht der EG. Übersichten, Prüfungsschemata, Fallmethodik, 3rd edition 2006 (diagrams, examination schemes, methodological instructions) | |
Zacker, Christian; Wernicke, Stephan: Examinatorium Europarecht. Grundlagen, institutionelles Recht, materielles Recht, Rechtsschutz, 3rd edition 2004 |
For the solving of cases concerning the economic fundamental freedoms see also the diagrams from my course "EC Internal Market Law", 2008.
General Bibliography on European Law
[A. Textbooks] [B. Commentaries] [C. Works of reference, handbooks] [D. Law reports, casebooks] [E. Compendiums of laws] [F. Journals] [Special bibliography for this course]
I. For introduction and repetition
Arndt, Hans-Wolfgang: Europarecht, 8th edition 2006 (with CD-ROM) | |
Cygan, Adam; Szyszak, Erika: Understanding EU Law, 2nd edition 2008 | |
Davies, Karen: Understanding EU Law, 3rd edition 2007 |
Doerfert, Carsten: Europarecht. Die Grundlagen der Europäischen Union mit ihren politischen und wirtschaftlichen Bezügen, 3rd edition 2007 |
Favret, Jean Marc: L'essentiel de l'Union européenne et du droit communautaire, 7th edition 2006 | |
Folsom, Ralph H.: European Union Law in a Nutshell, 6th edition 2008 | |
Folsom, Ralph H.: Principles of European Law, 2005 | |
Foster, Nigel: Foster on EU Law, 2006 |
Gaja, Giorgio: Introduzione al diritto comunitario, new edition 2007 | |
Gatawis, Siegbert; Broks, Edmunds; Bule, Zane: Eiropas tiesības, 2002 |
Gautron, Jean-Claude: Droit européen, 12th edition 2006 |
Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija (editor): Rokasgrāmata praktiskam darbam ar ES jautājumiem, 2nd edition 2006, www.am.gov.lv/data/file/rokasgramata/gramata.pdf | |
Owen, Richard: Essential European Community Law, 3rd edition 2006 | |
Torrent Ruiz, Armando: Fundamentos del Derecho Europeo, 2007 | |
Wallis, Richard: Guide to European Law and Institutions, 2007 |
II. For comprehensive information
Alehno, Ivo; Buka, Arnis; Butkevičs, Jānis; Jarinovska, Kristīne; Škoba, Laine: Ievads Eiropas Savienības tiesībās (Tiesu prakse un komentāri), 2nd edition 2004 |
Ballarino, Tito: Manuel breve di diritto dell'Unione europea, 2nd edition 2007 |
Berry, Elspeth; Hargreaves, Sylvia: European Union Law, 2nd edition 2007 |
Bieber, Roland; Epiney, Astrid; Haag, Marcel: Die Europäische Union. Europarecht und Politik, 7th edition 2006 | |
Blūzma, Valdis; Buka, Arnis; Deksnis, Eduards Bruno; Jarinovska, Kristīne; Jundze, Inese; Jundzis, Tālavs; Levits, Egils: Eiropas tiesĪbas, 2nd edition 2007 |
Borchardt, Klaus-Dieter: Die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Europäischen Union, 3rd edition 2006 |
Bou Franch, Valentín; Cervera Vallterra, María and others: El derecho de la Unión Europea, 2007 | |
Cartou, Louis; Clergerie, Jean-Louis; Gruber, Annie; Rambaud, Patrick: L'Union européenne, 6th edition 2006 | |
Chalmers, Damian; Hadjiemmanuil, Christos; Monti, Giorgio; Tomkins, Adam: European Union Public Law. Text and Materials, 2007 |
Fairhurst, John: Law of the European Union, 6th edition 2007 |
Haltern, Ulrich: Europarecht. Dogmatik im Kontext, 2nd edition 2007 | |
Hartley, Trevor: The Foundations of European Community Law, 6th edition 2007 |
Herdegen, Matthias: Europarecht, 10th edition 2008 | |
Horspool, Margot; Humphreys, Matthew: European Union Law, 5th edition 2008 |
Isaac, Guy; Blanquet, Marc: Droit communautaire général, 9th edition 2006 | |
Jacqué, Jean Paul: Droit institutionnel de l'Union européenne, 4th edition 2006 | |
Kaczorowska, Alina: European Union Law, 2008 |
Laffranque, Julia: Euroopa Liidu õigussüsteem ja Eesti õiguse koht selles, 2006 |
Mathijsen, Petrus S.R.F.: A Guide to European Union Law, 9th edition 2007 | |
Reich, Norbert: Understanding EU Law. Objectives, Principles and Methods of Community Law, 2nd edition 2005 |
Steiner, Josephine; Woods, Lorna; Twigg-Flesner, Christian: EU Law, 9th edition 2006 |
Streinz, Rudolf: Europarecht, 8th edition 2008 | |
Tillotson, John; Foster, Nigel: Text, Cases and Materials on European Union Law, 5th edition 2007 |
III. For scientific studies
Arnull, Anthony; Dashwood, Alan; Ross, Malcolm;Wyatt, Derrick; Spaventa, Eleanor; Dougan, Michael: Wyatt & Dashwood's European Union Law, 5th edition 2006 |
Craig, Paul; Búrca, Gráinne de: EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials, 4th edition 2007 | |
Díez Moreno, Fernando: Manual de derecho de la Unión europea, 4th edition 2006 | |
Fischer, Peter; Köck, Heribert Franz; Karollus, Margit M.: Europarecht. Das Recht der EU/EG, des Europarates und der wichtigsten anderen europäischen Organisationen, 4th edition 2003 | |
Lenaerts, Koen; Nuffel, Piet van: Constitutional law of the European Union, 2nd edition 2005 | |
Mangas Martín, Araceli; Liñán Nogueras, Diego J.: Instituciones y derecho de la Unión Europea, 3rd edition 2005 | |
Oppermann, Thomas: Europarecht, 3rd edition 2005 | |
Rideau, Joël: Droit institutionnel de l'Union et des communautés européennes, 5th edition 2006 |
Schweizer, Michael; Hummer, Waldemar; Obwexer, Walter: Europarecht. Das Recht der Europäischen Union, 2007 | |
Vincenzo, Guizzi: Manuale di diritto e politica dell'Unione Europea, 3rd edition 2003 | |
Verrilli, Antonio (editor): Diritto dell'Unione europea: aspetti istituzionali e politiche comuni, 15h edition 2007 |
III. On EC Internal Market Law
Barnard, Catherine: The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, 2nd edition 2007 | |
Davies, Gareth: European Union internal market law, 2nd edition 2003 | |
Dubois, Louis; Blumann, Claude: Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, 4th edition 2006 | |
Dutheil de la Rochère, Jacqueline: Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, 3rd edition 2006 | |
Ehlers, Dirk (editor): Europäische Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten, 2nd edition 2005 = European Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, 2007 | |
Epiney, Astrid; Meyer, Annekathrin; Mosters, Robert: Europarecht, Teil 2: Die Grundfreiheiten des EG-Vertrages, 2nd edition 2007 |
Hailbronner, Kay; Jochum, Gerhard: Europarecht II. Binnenmarkt und Grundfreiheiten, 2006 |
Maubernard, Christophe: Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, 2007 | |
Nagel, Bernhard: Das Wirtschaftsrecht der Europäischen Union. Eine Einführung, 4th edition 2003 |
Woods, Lorna: Free Movement of Goods and Services within the European Community, 2004 |
B. Commentaries (article-by-article presentation)
Calliess, Christian; Ruffert, Matthias (editors): Kommentar des Vertrages über die Europäische Union und des Vertrages zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft - EUV/EGV -, 2nd edition 2002 [see also the 3rd edition: EUV/EGV. Das Verfassungsrecht der Europäischen Union mit Europäischer Grundrechtecharta, 2007; note, however, that there still is no Constitution of the European Union in force and that the Charter of Fundamental Rights is not yet legally binding] | |
Calliess, Christian; Ruffert, Matthias (editors): Verfassung der Europäischen Union. Kommentar der Grundlagenbestimmungen, 2006 |
Grabitz, Eberhard; Hilf, Meinhard (editors): Das Recht der Europäischen Union (loose-leaf edition), volume 1 - 4, 3rd edition 1998 ff. | |
Groeben, Hans von der; Schwarze, Jürgen (editors): Kommentar zum Vertrag über die Europäische Union und zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, 6th edition volume 1 - 4, 2003 - 2004 |
Hailbronner, Kay; Wilms, Heinrich: Recht der Europäischen Union (loose-leaf edition), 2008 | |
Léger, Philippe (editor): Commentaire article par article des traités UE et CE, 2000 |
Pocar, Fausto (editor): Commentario breve ai trattati della Comunità e dell'Unione Europea, 2001 | |
Sauron, Jean-Luc: Comprendre le Traité de Lisbonne: Texte consolidé intégrale des traités, explications et commentaires, 2007 | |
Smit, Hans; Herzog, Peter; Campbell, Christian; Zagel, Gudrun (editors): The Law of the European Union (loose-leaf edition), volume 1 und 2, 2005 | |
Streinz, Rudolf (editor): EUV/EGV. Vertrag über die Europäische Union und Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, 2003 |
C. Works of reference, encyclopaedias and handbooks (for legal practitioners and for scientific research)
Schmitz, Thomas (editor): Eiropas tiesību pamattermini / Grundwortschatz Europarecht / Basic Vocabulary of European Union Law, beta version 2008 (legal dictionary German, English, Latvian) | |
Barents, René (editor): Directory on EC Case Law on Competition, 2007 | |
Dauses, Manred A. (editior): Handbuch des EU-Wirtschaftsrechts (loose-leaf edition), updated 2008 | |
Debard, Thierry; Le Baut-Ferrarèse, Bernadette; Nourissat, Cyril: Dictionnaire du droit de l'Union européenne, 2nd edition 2007 | |
Frenz, Walter: Handbuch Europarecht, volume 1: Europäische Grundfreiheiten, 2004; volume 2: Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2005; volume 3: Beihilfe- und Vergaberecht, 2006; volume 4: Europäische Grundrechte, 2008 [coming soon] | |
Jones, Christopher; Woude, Marc van der: EC Competition Law Handbook 2008/2009, 2008 |
Lachmayer, Konrad; Bauer, Lukas (editors): Praxiswörterbuch Europarecht, 2008 | |
Phinnemore, David; McGowan, Lee: A Dictionary of the European Union, 3rd edition 2006 | |
Ritter, Lennart; Braun, David W.: European Competition Law. A Practitioner's Guide, 3rd edition 2005 | |
Toth, A.G.: The Oxford Encyclopaedia of European Community Law, volume II: The Law of the Internal Market, 2005; volume III: Competition Law and Policy, 2008 | |
Weidenfeld, Werner (editor): Europa-Handbuch, volume 1: Die Europäische Union - Politisches System und Politikbereiche, 4th edition 2006 |
European Court of Justice [Eiropas Kopienu Tiesa] (editor): Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, Part I: Court of Justice, Part II: Court of First Instance (official reports of the case-law of the ECJ and of the Court of First Instance) | |
European Court of Justice (editor): Case-law of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance (internet law reports in different languages at the website of the ECJ) | |
Boulois, Jean; Chevallier, Roger-M.; Blanquet, Marc; Fasquelle, Daniel (editors): Les grands arrêts de la jurisprudence communautaire, volume 2: Droit communautaire des affaires, marché intérieur, politiques communautaires, 5th edition 2002 | |
Hummer, Waldemar; Vedder, Christoph (editors): Europarecht in Fällen, 4th edition 2005 |
Kaczorowska, Alina (Herausgeber): Law of the European Union. 150 Leading Cases, 3rd edition 2004 | |
Korah, Valentine: Cases and Materials on EC Competition Law, 3rd edition 2006 | |
Levasseur, Alain A.; Scott, Richard F.; Raynouard, Arnaud; Wathelet, Melchior: The Law of the European Union, vol. 2: Economic Law and Common Policies: Cases and Materials, 2006 | |
Pechstein, Matthias (editor): Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs. Studienauswahl, 4th edition 2007 | |
Turner, Chris: EU Law. Key Cases, 2006 | |
Weatherill, Stephen: Cases and Materials on EU Law, 8th edition 2007 |
Publications Office [Publikāciju birojs] (editor): EUR-Lex. The access to European Union law [Piekļluve Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktiem] (Online compendium in the different official languages of the EU. Here you can find almost all regulations and directives and the Official Journal of the EU. Look here for the founding treaties and the Treaty of Lisbon (not in force). | |
European Commission [Eiropas Komisija] (editor): Activities of the European Union - Summaries of legislation (specialised online compendium of legislation concerning the individual fields of activities) | |
Foster, Nigel (editor): EU Treaties and Legislation 2008-2009, 19th edition 2008 | |
Simmonds, K. R. (editor): Encyclopedia of European Community Law, volume 1 - 9 (loose-leaf edition), updated 2008 |
F. Journals in the field of European law
CDE: Cahiers de droit européen, since 1965 | |
CJEL: Columbia Journal of European Law, since 1994 | |
CMLRev: Common Market Law Review, since 1964 | |
EHRLR: European Human Rights Law Review, since 1979 | |
EIoP: European Integration Online Papers, since 1997 (internet journal) | |
ELJ: European Law Journal, since 1995 | |
ELRev: European Law Review, since 1975 | |
EuGRZ: Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift, since 1974 | |
EuR: Europarecht, since 1965 | |
EuZW: Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, since 1990 | |
FCE: Forum Constitutionis Europae, since 1998 (internet journal) | |
Integration: since 1978 |
JMWP: Jean Monnet Working Papers, since 1995 (internet journal) | |
RDCM: Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, since 1997 | |
REE: Revista de Estudios Europeos, since 1992 | |
RivDE: Rivista di diritto europeo, since 1961 | |
RMC: Revue du Marché commun et de l'Union européenne, since 1958 | |
RMUE: Revue du Marché Unique européen, since 1951 (since 2000: Revue du droit de l'Union européenne) | |
RTDE: Revue trimestrielle du droit européen, since 1965 | |
WHI-Papers: since 1997 (journal on basic issues of European integration) | |
ZEuS: Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien, since 1998 |
For detailed references to articles in journals see the bibliographical data base Rave of the University of Düsseldorf and the project European Integration Current Contents of the NYU School of Law.
A. Links concerning the general subject of the course
Homepage of the European Union: Main server "Europa" |
Compendiums of Laws: EUR-Lex; Founding Treaties (not in Latvian; see also the consolidated versions of the Founding Treaties according to the Treaty of Lisbon, also in Latvian ); Summaries of legislation concerning the individual activities of the Union |
Jurisprudence: internet law reports of the European Court of Justice; see also the Latvian translations (TTC); see also the Compendium Jurisprudence on European integration (in English and German, with direkt links to the inidvidual judgements) |
Materials of other lecturers: Markus Heintzen, Übung im Europarecht (Freie Universität Berlin, winter semester 2003/04); Thomas Kleinlein; Tillmann Löhr; Anna v. Oettingen; Christina Pfaff, Examensvorbereitungskurs Europa- und Völkerrecht (University of Frankfurt, summer semester 2005) |
See for more links my general homepage (in German); see the "Links zum Öffentlichen Recht" / "A. Europarecht" |
B. Links concerning special subjects
concerning case 1: European Commission (editor), Freedom to travel (special website on the free movement of persons, in particular the Schengen Agreements and the rights of third country nationals); Directive 2003/109 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents (also in Latvian ); draft proposal for a Community Code on Visas |
concerning case 2: On the legal nature of the European Union: Thomas Schmitz, Integration in der Supranationalen Union (English summary): the EU as supranational union; Bundesverfassungsgericht, BVerfGE 89, 155 (Maastricht judgement): the EU as "Staatenverbund"; Thierry Daups, L'Union européenne. Un Etat sans souveraineté nationale: the EU as state without sovereignty |
concerning case 3: ECJ, case C-112/00, Schmidberger (justification of encroachments of economic fundamental freedoms by fundamental rights) |
concerning case 4: ECJ, case C-361/88, TA-Luft |
concerning case 5: ECJ, case... |
concerning case 6: Court of First Instance, case T-95/96, Gestevision Telecinco |
concerning case 7: ECJ, case C-217/88, vin de table |