Janis Spigulis


  Professor, Department of Physics at University of Latvia

  Head, Biophotonics Laboratory of IAPS 

  Fellow SPIE             

  Address: Raina Blvd. 19, Riga, LV-1586, Latvia   

  E-mail: janis.spigulis[at]lu.lv  

  Telephone / fax: +371 67228249


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Research interests

With background in atomic spectroscopy, optoelectronics and fibre optics, over the last two decades I am mostly involved in biophotonics research. At the Biophotonics Lab we develop novel optical methods and devices for non-invasive diagnostics and monitoring of human health condition, mainly focusing to human skin. Spectral, temporal and imaging analysis of optical signals from in-vivo skin may ensure quantitative assessment of various skin malformations, skin blood micro-circulation and overall cardio-vascular state of a person. The newly developed methods and concepts are implemented in lab-made prototype devices that pass preliminary clinical evaluation and further are optimized for real applications.  Our recent developments are reviewed here.