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Farid Ablayev: Quantum hashing via $epsilon$-universal hashing constructions, Freivalds fingerprinting schemas and error correcting codes

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Abstract: We define a quantum hashing as a quantum generalization of classical hashing. We define the concept of a quantum hash generator and offer a design, which allows one to build a large number of different quantum hash functions. The construction is based on composition of a classical epsilon-universal hash family and a given family of functions -- quantum hash generators.
The relationship between epsilon-universal hash families and error-correcting codes give possibilities to build a large amount of different quantum hash functions. In particular, we present quantum hash function based on Reed-Solomon code, and we proved, that this construction is optimal in the sense of number of qubits needed.
Using the relationship between epsilon-universal hash families and Freivalds' fingerprinting schemas we present explicit quantum hash function and prove that this construction is optimal with respect to the number of qubits needed for the construction.

Andris Ambainis: Exact quantum algorithms

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Abstract: A quantum algorithm is exact if, on any input data, it outputs the correct answer with certainty (probability 1) - in contrast to the usual model in which a quantum algorithm is allowed to output an incorrect answer with a small probabilities. Coming up with exact quantum algorithms is a difficult task because we have to ensure that no amplitude ends up in a state corresponding to an incorrect answer - on any input.
We present the first example of a Boolean function f(x_1, ..., x_N) for which exact quantum algorithms have superlinear advantage over the deterministic algorithms. Any deterministic algorithm that computes our function must use N queries but an exact quantum algorithm can compute it with O(N^{0.8675...}) queries.
We also present several examples where exact quantum algorithms outperform deterministic algorithms by smaller amounts.
The talk is based on papers:
[1] A. Ambainis. Superlinear advantage for exact quantum algorithms. STOC'2013 and arxiv:1211.0721.
[2] A. Ambainis, J. Iraids, J. Smotrovs. Exact Quantum Query Complexity of EXACT and THRESHOLD. TQC'2013 and arxiv:1302.1235.
[3] A. Ambainis, J. Gruska, S. Zheng. Exact quantum algorithms have advantage for almost all Boolean functions. Quantum Information & Computation, to appear. arXiv:1404.1684.

Kalmer Apinis: How to combine widening and narrowing for non-monotonic systems of equations

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Abstract: Non-trivial analysis problems require complete lattices with infinite ascending and descending chains. In order to compute reasonably precise post-fixpoints of the resulting systems of equations, Cousot and Cousot have suggested accelerated fixpoint iteration by means of widening and narrowing.
The strict separation into phases, however, may unnecessarily give up precision that cannot be recovered later. While widening is also applicable if equations are non-monotonic, this is no longer the case for narrowing. A narrowing iteration to improve a given post-fixpoint, additionally, must assume that all right-hand sides are monotonic. The latter assumption, though, is not met in presence of widening. It is also not met by equation systems corresponding to context-sensitive interprocedural analysis, possibly combining context-sensitive analysis of local information with flow-insensitive analysis of globals.
As a remedy, we present a novel operator that combines a given widening operator with a given narrowing operator. We present adapted versions of round-robin as well as of worklist iteration, local, and side-effecting solving algorithms for the combined operator and prove that the resulting solvers always return sound results and are guaranteed to terminate for monotonic systems whenever only finitely many unknowns (constraint variables) are encountered.
This is joint work with Helmut Seidl and Vesal Vojdani, was presented at PLDI 2013.

Agnis Āriņš: Span-program-based quantum query algorithms

Slides of the talk: [ pdf ]

Abstract: Span program is a certain linear-algebraic model of computation. Span programs compute Boolean functions. There exists a method for obtaining quantum query algorithms with similar complexity from span programs. Span program is a promising model for creating new quantum algorithms.
In this talk we will get acquainted with span programs and will see example algorithms for some graph problems.

Kaspars Balodis: Structured Frequency Algorithms

Slides of the talk: [ pdf ]

Abstract: Frequency computation was introduced by G. Rose in 1960. An algorithm (m,n)-computes a function if for every n-tuple of distinct inputs the algorithm outputs an n-tuple of results such that at least m of them are correct. It has been proven by B. A. Trakhtenbrot that if the frequency m/n <= 1/2 then a continuum of sets is (m,n)-computable, otherwise only recursive sets can be (m,n)-computed.
In the original definition any m-tuple of the n outputs can give the correct answers. We generalize the notion of frequency computability by demanding a specific structure for the correct answers. We show that if this structure is described in terms of finite projective planes then even a frequency of O(1/sqrt(n)) ensures recursivity of the computable set. We also show that with overlapping structures this frequency cannot be significantly decreased. We also introduce the notion of graph frequency computation and prove sufficient conditions for a graph G such that a continuum of sets can be G-computed.

Maksims Dimitrijevs: Ultrametric Automata and Turing Machines

Slides of the talk: [ ppt ]

Abstract: Rūsiņš Freivalds has recently introduced the idea of using p-adic numbers in Turing machines and finite automata to describe random branching of the process of computation. In the last two years different types of ultrametric finite automata and Turing machines were explored. In this speech I would like to show some results obtained in the researches, that I had participated in. These researches have covered one-way, two-way and multihead finite ultrametric automata and ultrametric Turing machines.

Stefan Dziembowski: Recent advances in non-malleable codes

Slides of the talk: [ ppt ]

Abstract: The notion of non-malleable codes was introduced in [6]. Informally, a code is non-malleable if the message contained in a modified codeword is either the original message, or a completely unrelated value. In contrast to error-correction and error-detection, non-malleability can be achieved for very rich classes of modifications.
We will give a short survey of the recent advances in this area. We will focus on the result of [5], where an information-theoretically non-malleable code in the split-state model for one-bit messages was constructed. We also plan to talk about the recent exciting work [1], which contains a construction in the split-state model for multi-bit messages. If time permits, we will also give a brief overview of [2,3,4].

[1] Divesh Aggarwal and Yevgeniy Dodis and Shachar Lovett "Non-malleable Codes from Additive Combinatorics" STOC 2014
[2] Eshan Chattopadhyay and David Zuckerman "Non-Malleable Codes Against Constant Split-State Tampering" FOCS 2014
[3] Mahdi Cheraghchi and Venkatesan Guruswami "Capacity of Non-Malleable Codes" ITCS 2014
[4] Mahdi Cheraghchi and Venkatesan Guruswami "Non-Malleable Coding Against Bit-wise and Split-State Tampering" TCC 2014
[5] Stefan Dziembowski and Tomasz Kazana and Maciej Obremski "Non-Malleable Codes from Two-Source Extractors" CRYPTO 2013
[6] Stefan Dziembowski and Krzysztof Pietrzak and Daniel Wichs "Non Malleable Codes" ICS 2010

Prastudy Fauzi: Faster non-interactive zero knowledge shuffle
(Joint work with Helger Lipmaa)

Abstract: A set of ciphertexts is a shuffle of another set of ciphertexts if the corresponding set of plaintexts are permutations of each other. Non-interactive zero-knowledge shuffle arguments are required to prove the correctness of shuffles, which is important in a variety of applications. For instance, shuffle arguments are used in e-voting to guarantee security against malicious voting servers. In such an application, a server has to potentially shuffle hundreds of thousands of encrypted ballots. In real elections, it is tantamount that this does not take too much time.
Up to now, only two shuffle arguments in the standard model (i.e., without assuming a random oracle) have been proposed. Both arguments are relatively inefficient compared to random-oracle based shuffle arguments. We propose a new non-interactive perfect zero-knowledge shuffle argument that optimizes the result of Lipmaa and Zhang (J. of Comput. Security, 2013). The resulting shuffle argument is significantly more efficient, in fact, it approaches the efficiency of random-oracle based shuffle arguments.

Jans Glagoļevs: Static and dynamic graph visualization

Abstract: In the modern world there is often a need to analyze big data sets which can be represented by graphs. Examples include social networks, electrical schemes and telecommunication networks. Visualization of such data can significantly improve one’s ability to effectively work with information represented by these networks or schemas.
All graph visualizations can be divided in two groups- static, where whole graph can be drawn entirely on a screen and dynamic, where only some part of the graph is presented on the screen and user is able to manipulate the graph by adding or removing some of it’s parts.
In this talk I will describe common ideas of both static and dynamic graph visualization as well as present graph compact orthogonal layout algorithm designed in the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia and our experience in designing dynamic social graph visualization tool.

Wolfgang Jeltsch: Abstract categorical semantics for functional reactive programming with resources

Slides of the talk: [ pdf ]

Abstract: Functional reactive programming (FRP) makes it possible to deal with temporal aspects in a declarative fashion. Traditional approaches to FRP do not support working with resources like GUI widgets or files. As a result, programming with effects is not fully declarative, does not adequately match the properties of resources, and has performance issues. Therefore, it is reasonable to extend FRP with support for resources.
In this talk, I present an abstract categorical semantics for such an extended form of FRP and argue that certain models of FRP with resources correspond to abstract process categories, which are categorical models of ordinary FRP.

Aleksandra Koroļova: Scalable Algorithms for Protecting User Privacy

Abstract: Ubiquitous use of the Internet and mobile technologies combined with dropping data storage and processing costs have enabled new forms of communications and data-driven innovations. However, they have also created unprecedented challenges for privacy, with companies, policy makers, and individuals struggling in their search for approaches that could enable innovation while avoiding privacy harms.
In this talk, I will present algorithmic research that demonstrates how these seemingly conflicting goals may be achieved, even when the data being collected about individuals is constantly changing and expanding. I will first show that merely restricting data sharing is insufficient to protect privacy. I will then motivate and introduce a formal and rigorous privacy guarantee that has emerged in recent years -- differential privacy. Finally, I will present algorithms that enable useful search data releases and social advertising computations with differential privacy.

Ivo Kubjas: Data exchange over arbitrary wireless networks

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Abstract: Consider a wireless network where each node possesses some subset of a larger collection of files. The goal of the data exchange protocol is to deliver all the files to all the nodes in the minimum number of transmissions and communication rounds.
A special case of that scenario where the underlying network is a complete graph was studied by S. El Rouayheb, A. Sprintson and P. Sadeghi (ITW 2010). In this work, we consider a general case, where the underlying network is arbitrary. By generalizing the techniques in the work of El Rouhayeb et al., we propose an algebraic framework, which yields an efficient schedule of coded transmissions.

Dmitrijs Kravčenko: Quantum entanglement can help in the game of bridge

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Abstract: Quantum nonlocality, or quantum entanglement, is widely known in quantum game theory. In some games the payoff of players properly equipped with entangled quantum bits can be up to exponentially bigger in comparison with ordinary players. However, all these games are quite artificial and, besides, they are fully “cooperative”: there are no opponents as such, but all players should strive for the same goal.
We consider a class of simple games that simulate one important aspect of the game of bridge. We determine optimal (classical) strategies for this class of games and show how the effect of quantum nonlocality can improve the players’ performance. Our simplified game of bridge favorably differs from games previuously studied in quantum game theory. Firstly, it has been derived from quite natural problem (the original game of bridge); secondly, there is an apparent presence of competition in the game (because it is a zero-sum one!); and, finally, its analysis does not require deep understanding of the heavy mathematical formalism of quantum information theory.

Toomas Krips: Point counting: two embarrassingly parallel methods for secure multiparty computation

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Abstract: We propose two embarrassingly parallel methods for obliviously evaluating functions having a special form and working over fixed-point real numbers. First, we will consider a method that works for monotone functions $f$ such that $f\circ g=h$ for some $g$ and $h$ that are  easy to compute  on fixed-point numbers and where $g$ is strictly monotone. Such functions include $f(x)=\frac{1}{x}$ and $f(x)=\sqrt{x}$.
Second, will describe a method for obliviously evaluating functions defined as $\int_a^{x} f(t)dt$ where $x$ is private. Both of the methods rely on point-counting techniques rather than evaluation of series, allowing the result to be obtained using less rounds of computations with the price of more communication in one round. Since the complexity of oblivious computing methods (like secret-shared multi-party computations (SMC)) is largely determined by the round complexity, this approach has a potential to give better performance compared to series-based approaches.

Peeter Laud: Privacy-preserving minimum spanning trees through oblivious parallel RAM for secure multiparty computation

Slides of the talk: [ pdf ]

Abstract: In this paper, we describe efficient protocols to perform in parallel many reads and writes in private arrays according to private indices. The protocol is implemented on top of the Arithmetic Black Box (ABB) and can be freely composed to build larger privacy-preserving applications. For a large class of secure multiparty computation (SMC) protocols, we believe our technique to have better practical and asymptotic performance than any previous ORAM technique that has been adapted for use in SMC.
Our ORAM technique opens up a large class of parallel algorithms for adoption to run on SMC platforms. In this paper, we demonstrate how the minimum spanning tree (MST) finding algorithm by Awerbuch and Shiloach can be executed without revealing any details about the underlying graph (beside its size). The data accesses of this algorithm heavily depend on the location and weight of edges (which are private) and our ORAM technique is instrumental in their execution. Our implementation should be the first-ever realization of a privacy-preserving MST algorithm.

Helger Lipmaa: Efficient Short Adaptive NIZK for NP

Abstract: In Eurocrypt 2013, Gennaro et al.~proposed an efficient \emph{non-adaptive} short QAP-based NIZK argument for $\CIRCUITSAT$, where non-adaptivity means that the CRS depends on the statement to be proven. While their argument can be made adaptive by using universal circuits, this increases the prover computation by a logarithmic multiplicative factor. By following the QAP-based approach, we propose an efficient product argument, and then use it together with a modified shift argument of Fauzi et al.~in the modular framework of Groth to design an \emph{adaptive} short NIZK argument for $\SUBSETSUM$ and several other NP-complete languages that has the same complexity parameters as the QAP-based non-adaptive argument, resulting in the first adaptive short NIZK arguments for NP where the prover computation is dominated by a linear number of cryptographic operations. We also construct the most efficient known range argument.

Veli Mäkinen: Sequence analysis in linear time and compact space

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Abstract: Sequence analysis consists of characterizing non-random content of a sequence. For example, if a sequence is a concatenation of several strings, one may be interested in finding all maximal substrings that occur exactly ones in each string. This and many similar sequence analysis tasks can be solved optimally in O(n) time using *suffix trees*, where n is the length of the sequence drawn from alphabet {1,2,...,c}, where c<=n. Suffix tree solutions take O(n log n) bits of space, but the space can be improved to O(n log c) bits by using *compressed suffix trees*; however, the combined construction and analysis time is no longer linear.
This talk describes a linear time and O(n log c) bits solution to sequence analysis tasks like above. The core of the solution is establishing a correspondence between interval pairs in a space-efficient *bidirectional Burrows-Wheeler index* and nodes of a suffix tree, and a way to space-efficiently explore suffix tree using only the former.
The talk is based on the recent work published in ESA 2013 (Belazzougui, Cunial, Kärkkäinen, Mäkinen) and STOC 2014 (Belazzougui)

Saulius Maskeliūnas: National Research Data Archive MIDAS: development decisions and usage peculiarities

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Abstract:National Open Access Research Data Archive MIDAS [1], with the metadata based mainly on CERIF standard data model [2], currently is under development by Vilnius University with the partner Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos (Santariskes Clinics). The purpose of this project is to establish an infrastructure of national research data archive that enables collection and storage of research and empirical data and ensures free, easy and convenient access to the research data and metadata. Project duration: 30 months (January 2012 –June 2014; now extended until April 2015). Currently, just the first iteration of development is completed. So, now is the time to show MIDAS data archive prototype version to various researches – including participants of “Theory Days at Ratnieki”, who represent different Computer Science fields, and to receive their comments, improvement suggestions, etc.

Anis Ben Othman: Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security (TRESPASS)

Abstract: In today's dynamic attack landscape, detecting possible attacks is too slow and exceeds the limits of human imaginative capability. Emerging security risks and multi-step attacks demand tool support to predict, prioritise, and prevent complex attacks systematically. In the TREsPASS 7th Framework project, attack navigators are being developed to analyse and visualise information security risks in dynamic organisations, as well as possible countermeasures. To this end, the project combines knowledge from technical sciences, social sciences, and state-of-the-art industry processes and tools.

Alisa Pankova: Privately outsourcing systems of linear equations over real numbers

Abstract: This paper studies the possibility of achieving IND-CPA security in privately outsourcing linear equation systems over real numbers. The particular task is solving a full-rank $n\times n$ system $Ax = b$. Since the most complex part of this task is inverting $A$, the problem can be reduced to outsourcing a square matrix inverse computation. Although this task is trivial for matrices over finite fields, it is not so easy for matrices over real numbers. We study the class of affine transformations for matrices over real numbers, find out which forms are possible at all, and find some properties of the transformation and the set of the initial matrices that have to be satisfied in order to make the initial matrices perfectly (or at least statistically) indistinguishable after applying the transformation.

Ashutosh Rai: Local simulation of singlet statistics for restricted set of measurement

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Abstract: The essence of Bell's theorem is that, in general, quantum statistics cannot be reproduced by local hidden variable (LHV) model. This impossibility is strongly manifested while analyzing the singlet state statistics for Bell-CHSH violations. In this work, we provide various subsets of two outcome POVMs for which a local hidden variable model can be constructed for the singlet state.

Ago-Erik Riet: Permutation codes

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Abstract: We study codes over permutations, which can be used for error correction in data transmission and storage for example in flash memories and power line communications. For $S_n$, the set of permutations of $n$ elements, one can define various distance metrics. A code is a subset whose every two elements are at least some distance apart. We are looking at construction of such codes for different metrics. I will give an overview of what kind of metrics one can define. I will then talk about results and ideas for concrete metrics, such as the Hamming and Ulam metrics. If a permutation is written as an $n$-element sequence of the numbers $1...n$, then the Hamming metric counts in how many positions two permutations differ and the Ulam metric is defined as $n$ minus the length of the longest common subsequence.
This is very much a work in progress and a cooperation with Vitaly Skachek and Faruk Gologlu.

Tarmo Uustalu: From stateful to stackful computations
(Joint work with Danel Ahman (University of Edinburgh))

Abstract: This is about using monads to analyze effectful computations. We want to promote two ideas. First, to describe computations using a store of a specific kind, e.g., a stack, one can apply special monads more fine-grained than the state monad, allowing tracking different intensional aspects of the effects of such computations. Second, it make sense to pay attention also to the comonads corresponding the Lawvere theories of these monads---their coalgebras serve as stack implementations.

Maris Valdats: Shannon Effect for BC-complexity of Finite Automata

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Abstract: We consider a relatively new descriptional complexity measure for Deterministic Finite Automata, BC-complexity, as an alternative to the state complexity. We prove that for two DFAs with the same number of states BC-complexity can differ exponentially. In some cases minimization of DFA can lead to an exponential increase in BC-complexity, on the other hand BC-complexity of DFAs with a large state space which are obtained by some standard constructions (determinization of NFA, language operations), is reasonably small. But our main result is the analogue of the ”Shannon effect” for finite automata: almost all DFAs with a fixed number of states have BC-complexity that is close to the maximum.

Oleg Verbitsky: A logical approach to Isomorphism Testing and Constraint Satisfaction

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Abstract: We will discuss the relationship between the definability of graphs in first-order logic and the computational complexity of the graph isomorphism and homomorphism problems. If every graph in a class of graphs C is definable with k variables, then the isomorphism problem for C is solvable in polynomial time by the (k-1)-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm. Moreover, definability with finitely many variables and logarithmic quantifier depth implies that isomorphism can be tested even in parallel logarithmic time. The existential-positive fragment of k-variable logic corresponds to the algorithmic techniques for homomorphism testing (i.e., constraint satisfaction) known as k-Consistency Checking. Examining the expressibility of this logic, we are able to estimate the time efficiency of this approach to constraint satisfaction.

Tom Wong: Degenerate Perturbation Theory as a Tool for Quantum Search

Abstract: Degenerate perturbation theory is a "textbook tool" for quantum mechanics, famously used to derive the spectra of atoms in the presence of an external electric field (i.e., the Stark effect). In this talk, we show that it can also be used to analyze quantum computing algorithms, specifically quantum search search on graphs. Using it, we show two intuitions to be false, that global symmetry and high connectivity are not necessary for fast quantum search.

Yauhen Yakimenka: Optimisation of parity-check matrices of LDPC codes
(Joint work with with Vitaly Skachek)

Slides of the talk: [ pdf ]

Abstract: Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are widely used in communications due to their excellent practical performance. Error probability of LDPC code under iterative decoding on the binary erasure channel is determined by a class of combinatorial objects, called stopping sets. Stopping sets of small size are the reason for the decoder failures. Stopping redundancy is defined as the minimum number of rows in a parity-check matrix of the code, such that there are no small stopping sets in it.
Han, Siegel and Vardy derive upper bounds on the stopping redundancy of general binary linear codes by using probabilistic analysis. For many families of codes, these bounds are the best currently known. We improve on the results of Han, Siegel and Vardy by modifying their analysis. Our approach is different in that we judiciously select the first and the second rows in the parity-check matrix, and then proceed with the probabilistic analysis. Numerical experiments confirm that the bounds obtained by us are superior to those of Han, Siegel and Vardy for two codes: the extended Golay code and the quadratic residue code of length 48.

Last modified / Viimane uuendus / Pēdējais atjaunojums 01.10.2014